Shredder, Schrader, TinGrin, Metalface, BucketHead…

Well, five minutes after posting the new Movie pics, I find this…

William Fichtner has been added onto the cast of the New Movie as a “Character with Iconic Stature”.

For those not familiar with the name, you’ve seen him in various movies and shows such as SEAL Team Six: The Raid On Osama Bin Laden, Entourage and The Dark Knight.

Considering his acting background, and the recent photos of a seemingly Para-Military style Foot Clan, we may have our Shredder. The Rumor Mill’s been grinding away at stories of a crazed Soldier who’s got the turtles in his sights, and this… may or may not cement that idea in some fans’ minds. I’m very curious to see how the whole origin story is going to play out, if this is the situation.

I want to see more info before I make a judgement, but the speed that things are coming out is awesome. We’ll be getting our answers soon enough…


~ Machias

Author: Hero_777

UK-Based, longterm TMNT enthusiast, proud parent and professional Santa Claus.

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