Free Comic Book Day – The People, the comics…. the hail?!

It has been a wild couple of weeks…

Free Comic Book Day not only was the annual comic giveaway across the country, but it was also the 30th anniversary for the teenage mutant ninja turtles. I was fortunate to be around for the special Eastman & Laird reunion and signing events for both Jetpack Comics in Rochester, NH and Shellback Artworks in Wells, ME.


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TMNT 31 Cover Peek , 30 Cover Large V. NO TEXT

TMNT: TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES Volume 4 #  31 ..cover art peek by Michael Dooney & Jim Lawson ((  2009 )) [[ Courtsy of PL ]]

**Pete gives us the tally – ho  on TMNT 31 ::

“I got the word today from Michael Dooney that he had finished the cover painting for the next issue of TMNT Volume 4 — #31 — and he’d left it on one of the computers at Mirage. So this afternoon, while I was at the office waiting for Eric Talbot to get there so he and Jim Lawson and I could go for a short (but sweet) motorcycle ride, I copied it onto my trusty memory stick and brought it home.

And here it is!

Now that Mike has worked his magic, I think the only thing left to do is put together the letters pages. So if you had been thinking of writing a letter of comment, now would be a good time to finish it up and send it in.”

TMNT: TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES Volume 4 # 30 ..cover final { LARGE V.  NO TEXT }   (( MAY 2009 ))

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So many like me and have loved the powerful Dooney / Lawson Comic covers since TMNT II’s movie comic adaptation. I’ve uploaded the LARGE VERSION of Mike’s menacing painting to Photostream.
** ** Click here to Download the large v. !! ** **
