Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Ultimate Collection Volume 1 [Hardcover] final cover & preorder


–>> Final cover, click the image for a special AMAZON preorder$31.17 price ( compared to the 49.99 SRP ).

Thanks to 帽子のウサギ & Tristan Jones !!

~ t

Author: tOkKa

tOkKa :: infamous snapper, hench-mutant, & bungle-brain ,beakie-buzzard,snappin' snap-head ..n' chow-chump,enemy of Ninja Turtles. A invertible anomaly in the TMNT fandom unto himself. As a schizophrenic Pop-artist ; tOkKa ..:: Fan-fave ,shunn-'ED'/ lauded by masses, Misunderstood by high percentages.. a cult following has developed by the guy that just doesn't seem to fit into any single category Never-mind his 'Foot Fetish' @ terrible2z.com .. !! "Quoting Macbeth since 1991.."

One thought on “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Ultimate Collection Volume 1 [Hardcover] final cover & preorder”

  1. If it weren’t for your love of the Turtles I wouldn’t know about the awesome updates for the Turtle universe. Thank you for keeping the fans in the loop much appreciated!

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