WTF !!
My Bad, fLICKR’S idiot video code spazzed out on me, My mother would have my head !! !!
Uploaded the vid to my Youtube.
** Click Here **

–>> After all these months of talking about it, finally able to get some somewhat decent, short footage of my little Shredder Coffin door greeter i made last fall.
Saki welcomes you to Tokka’s Domain and laughs maniacally at you as you jump !!
Author: tOkKa
tOkKa ::
infamous snapper, hench-mutant, & bungle-brain ,beakie-buzzard,snappin' snap-head ..n' chow-chump,enemy of Ninja Turtles. A invertible anomaly in the TMNT fandom unto himself.
As a schizophrenic Pop-artist ; tOkKa ..:: Fan-fave ,shunn-'ED'/ lauded by masses, Misunderstood by high percentages.. a cult following has developed by the guy that just doesn't seem to fit into any single category
Never-mind his 'Foot Fetish' @ terrible2z.com .. !!
"Quoting Macbeth since 1991.."
View all posts by tOkKa
might wanna add a link there dave
–>> o crap , what it was ..
FLICKR ‘s IDIOT VIDEO !! The code didn’t work !!
O i’m sorry !! !! I’ll fix it ..sorry ,Steph !!
–>> Sorry ,Guys..
Lol… that voice made me smile.
–>> XD
GOTCHA !! !!