☠ ☠ Rust in piece ☠ ☠

'Shredder's Tombstone' by Eric Talbot from "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle - Jokes from the Sewer" (( 2004 ))


WTF !!
My Bad, fLICKR’S idiot video code spazzed out on me, My mother would have my head !! !!
Uploaded the vid to my Youtube.

** Click Here **

☠ ☠

–>> After all these months of talking about it, finally able to get some somewhat decent, short footage of my little Shredder Coffin door greeter i made last fall.

Saki welcomes you to Tokka’s Domain and laughs maniacally at you as you jump !!


Author: tOkKa

tOkKa :: infamous snapper, hench-mutant, & bungle-brain ,beakie-buzzard,snappin' snap-head ..n' chow-chump,enemy of Ninja Turtles. A invertible anomaly in the TMNT fandom unto himself. As a schizophrenic Pop-artist ; tOkKa ..:: Fan-fave ,shunn-'ED'/ lauded by masses, Misunderstood by high percentages.. a cult following has developed by the guy that just doesn't seem to fit into any single category Never-mind his 'Foot Fetish' @ terrible2z.com .. !! "Quoting Macbeth since 1991.."

5 thoughts on “☠ ☠ Rust in piece ☠ ☠

  1. –>> o crap , what it was ..

    FLICKR ‘s IDIOT VIDEO !! The code didn’t work !!

    O i’m sorry !! !! I’ll fix it ..sorry ,Steph !!

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