Since my minor…*ahem* indiscretion yesterday, GoGreenMachine has recieved a number of apology letters from various individuals in the community whom feel my outburst may have been directed at them. Now, let me start by saying that my statement on GGM yesterday was not directed at any one person in particular…nor even at a group of people really…more so at a consistently negative mindset exhibited by a number of people. One that I have become more and more uneasy with. Yesterdays wide assault on Peter for his actions simply brought my emotions on the topic to a head.
Having said that, I would like to share one of these letters with you:
This is not hate mail so I do hope that you read it. I have been a loyal Ninja Turtle fan since I grew up watching the 80’s TV show. When I heard the Mirage/Viacom News I am very ashamed to admit that I reacted like one of those people you mentioned in your rant. I was angry, disappointed, and felt betrayed, but after reading your rant and the post on Mr. Lairds blog, I ask for your forgiveness. I am very sorry for the way I reacted to the news, I think we (the fans) need to remember why we love TMNT. We watch, and read the Turtles, because of The Turtles! We love Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo, not the powers to be, I don’t wanna watch Peter Laird fight Foot Ninjas! I wanna watch the TMNT do it! There not dead, right? It will be different, but it will fun! Thanks for reading this, and please accept my apology, I wish you and everyone at GGM the best of luck! Cowabunga!
While I appreciate this letter from the bottom of my heart, and do believe this person is very sorry for their action, I would like to remind them, as well as the rest of you who may have fallen victim to this negative mindset…that I am not the one to whom you owe an apology.
Together, we will see this thing through.
Stephan & the Machines.
Your open comments yesterday were a breath of fresh air. A lot of the general fandom reaction was making me want to pull my hair out and scream :/
It’s nice sometimes to be reminded of the more logical and ethical people within this group.
So thank you.
I agree with you, hun…
Debating is fine. But the fandom has no place nor need for that kind of vitriol. In the end, if what you said changed the attitude of at least ONE of those people, that is all that matters.