Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles { newspaper strip } ..Splinter's sunrise ..art by Lawson – isolated :: 11031991

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles { newspaper strip } ..Splinter's sunrise ..art by Lawson - isolated :: 11031991

☻ ☺

–>> ..for Jester ..

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles { newspaper strip } ..Splinter's sunrise ..art by Lawson  :: 11031991

[ERROR://1988] instance_001:: //.spcl.tnXX.2V.M.[[Crtsy_4kids_B-T-T-S_BLG ]]

[ERROR://1988] instance_001:: //.spcl.tnXX.2V.M.[[Crtsy_4kids_B-T-T-S_BLG ]]

— & \\ \**x.2hr..@ G_G_M))

Trans.Dimen.Web.PolicyException: Policy level ‘NOSHIFT’ could not be executed.

at TCNODRM.Security.PolicyManager.EncodeLevel(PolicyLevel levelX)

at TCNODRM.Security.PolicyManager.EncodeLevel(String label)

at TCNODRM.Security.PolicyManager.Save()

at TCNODRM.Security.SecurityManager.SavePolicy()

at TCNODRM.CAS.CASInstaller.ConfigureCodeAccessSecurity()

at TCNODRM.CAS.CASInstaller.Dimension(X)

at TCNODRM.Security.PolicyManager.EncodeLevel(String label)

at TCNODRM.Security.PolicyManager.Save()

at TCNODRM.Security.SecurityManager.SavePolicy()

at TCNODRM.CAS.CASInstaller.ConfigureCodeAccessSecurity()

at TCNODRM.CAS.CASInstaller.Dimension(X)

Johnny Cupcakes exclusive "Pizza Crossbones Guys " Tee**


**As per Stephan’s delicious prior post.. the

Pizza Crossbones Guys exclusive Tee is now available on the J.C. online store

Click Here !!**

From Stephan: There is also a girls version available on the site, as well as a VERY limited edition poster (editions of 78). These are basically the left overs from the posters that were for sale at the movie event, so once they are gone, you’ll never see them again!

TMNT Treasures :: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 25th Anniversary 'Party Bus' :: "FOOT CLAN" 8inch decal by Peppercom (( 2009 ))

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 25th Anniversary 'Party Bus' :: "FOOT CLAN" 8inch decal by Peppercom  (( 2009 ))

☠ ☠

–>>Ooo this stinks !!

One of the actual decals from the TMNT25 Road Trip and the traveling multimedia, moblile Turtle museum; the TMNT25 Part Bus !!

Sadly there was no TMNT 25 SHREDDERMOBILE ..~~ ** Mumble grumble ~~ ** , o well !!


TMNT TMNT ニンジャタートルズ Lottery Card fold-out list – LARGE v. ((1994)) [[ Courtesy of A. Winters ]]

TMNT TMNT ニンジャタートルズ Lottery Card fold-out list -  LARGE v. ((1994))  [[ Courtesy of A. Winters ]]

“Hey, tOkKA.. You should probably appreciate it [ the list ] , as it is the comprehensive listing of some of the trading [gaming?] cards put out in Japan.
.. ” —A. Winters


☻ ☺

..also from Adam :: ” Also, I have started messing around with some TMNT video editing to create a new abridged/parody series called “TMNT: Gone Wrong!”  The first video is up on Youtube if you want to check it out.  I plan on making a couple more and see where I can go from there.   .. ”