Hey gang,
You may remember several months ago, when I picked this up from my local comic shop.

It is a limited edition cold cast Usagi statue put out by Dark Horse. When I bought the statue from my LCS they said, “You know, Stan Sakai comes by this shop sometimes. Infact, he was in here yesterday!”
I thought that was pretty cool, and hoped that I might run into him some day. Running into comic folk outside of conventions is always way cooler.
So a few weeks go by, and it is Free Comic Book Day 09. After visiting with Kevin at Golden Apple, i drove down to my LCS to drop off some signed copies of the FCBD Turtles book that I wanted to suprise the folks that work there with.
Wouldn’t you know, the first thing they said to me was, “You JUST missed Stan!” I was pretty disappointed 
As you know, we at GGM follow Stan’s Live Journal blog pretty regularly, so after checking to see if it was ok with my LCS, I decided to ask Stan via his live journal if I could leave my statue there for him to sign:
I’ve been meaning to ask you Stan…It turns out that you and I frequent the same LCS (I will refrain from the name incase you have crazy stalkers or something, but it is the one next to Zankou
Anyway, every time I go in there they tell me “oh man, you just missed Stan!”
I’ve wanted to get you to sign the Usagi and Spot Statue I bought there, so i was wondering if i left it there for you, would you mind signing it next time you go in?
To which he replied on the very same night:
No problem about signing anything. Just leave it with the folks at the store, and let me know it’s there. You can tell me by posting it here in my Live Journal. I don’t get to that store often, but I’ll make it a point to go.
Well dang! What a cool dude! So I ran down to my LCS and dropped the statue off. Flash forward about a week to today when I decided to go in for the newest edition of Tales. When I walk in, the two behind the counter look at me funny and say, “Do you have Stan-Dar? He was here earlier today, and he signed your statue.”
Check it out!

So, needless to say, Stan Sakai is the coolest guy ever. He went out of his way just to sign something for a fan he has never met. Stan, if you’re reading this, thank you SO MUCH! You’re awesome!