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I am not one for rumor mongering, so when this started floating its way around the inter-tubes, I was reluctant to post it here. HOwever; after the metric-butt-ton of emails I have recieved on the topic, I have decided to mention it.
About a week ago, rumors started a-flyin’ around the interwebs that this is a photo of a sculpt for the turtles for the next movie. Reception of this “news” have been very mixed. Some people hate the piece as it is such a huge departure from the “classic” turtles. Others love it, assuming that this is a solid sign of an edgier film.
Personally, I think it is unlikely that this is a head sculpt, as it has been noted on MANY occasions that the next movie will feature facial replacement technology (i.e. PotC’s Davy Jones).
I’ll work on trying to get some sort of confirmation from the studios, but until then, take this with a giant grain of salt.
Here are some sources:
TMNT 25 is BACK !!
.. Well sorta.
–>> This may or may not be news to you, but it was stated to me a few months ago that the entirety of last year’s big TMNT 25 Anniversary site was dismantled and taken down as of late November / December of ’09 with all hyperlinks redirecting to Dan Berger’s old ninjaturtles.com domain. It does appear an early 2009 version of the TMNT 25 site WAS either backed-up or relocated. Hopefully she’s here to stay !!
** You can check the “New” ( !? ) home of TMNT 25 here. **
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..what initially appeared to start out as an endeavor for a bold new proposition for a TMNT film; if at least a fan based one ; has turned out to a full on artistic endeavor with a unique vision of the TMNT coming from many classic angles borrowing from different elements of the original Mirage comic source material and the classic animation.
This has also turned into something very controversial, provocative, but none-the-less creative.
“It’s been a couple months since we have made any major updates to DawnOfTheNinja.com, but that wait is over.
In an effort to deliver more frequent updates on DOTN progress and other TMNT related news, we have begun a series of updates to our website. The biggest change we have made lately is the addition of the “Ninja Blog” as we are presently calling it. We are committed to making Dawn of the Ninja the absolute best that we can! As we continue to update our site, check it out, and feel free to drop me an email with any feedback, criticism, hate emails, or whatever you feel would help improve what we have done.
Click the link below to check out our new blog!
** http://www.dawnoftheninja.com/blog/ **
Luke Keith “
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La Passion des Tortues Ninja en Live du Sewer Dudes!!
in the TMNTA Comics and TMNT comic strip , Merdude spoke with a french accent that was worse than Steve Martin’s.
In all actually, Merdude and his Turtle pals have a strong fan -following.
Just for fun and for a Francais perspective on Las Tortues Ninja .. check out Lost Turtles funky French Turtle blog here ::
** http://lestortuesninja.forumfamilly.net/portal.htm **
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On a rockin’ tip from Ryan Brown himself.. you may wanna hand an ear out to a swingin’ single by the appropriately named U.K. Trip – popin’ sumthin’ – “WYRM” concept Quatro :: The Mutanimals.
They even have our old buddy; Tales Alum, Cereal Geek Contributor, and Archie TMNT Comics expert – Ross May as their current cover-boy.
Go Figger.. ;p
**Check out the Mutanimals on Myspace !! !! **
~ t
Steve Murphy is blogging again! But it isn’t what you think. This is a brand new creative endevour called “Contains Traces of Peanuts”. Here is what Steve told us about his new project!
“A web comic helping to fill the creative void that accompanies unemployment.” “Anautobiographical web comic that will eventually deal with my timeworking on the TMNT.”
I’d say I’m “drawing” it but what I’m really doing is simply tracing and tweaking existing Peanuts panels (or portions of panels) to create thecharacter of “me” — Gnarly Clown. Other images are either web “finds”or photos that I’ve taken.
The process is making for some really compellign results! You should definitely click the picture and check it out!