Here’s the latest profile for your viewing pleasure! I’m still looking for more fans to profile so please contact me (click my name in the “Contact Us” section) to see yourself profiled. Thanks!
–>> tOkKa
1) Please tell us a little about your self.
–>> .. your questions make me feel awkward and uncomfortable.
i am the terribly manic MIKEY’S TMNT .com News Snapper & owner and proprietor of suicidally sensational terrible2z.com
; a showcase of one of the planet’s
most hated, writhing , struggling ,languishing, and despised pop- /comic/ and low brow artists..
..i am also amongst the owner & writer of many drawn-out and pointless long running sentences.
I have too many interests for my own good. Loving allot of Tokatsu ..especially the old Spider-man one from the 70s. I have a meager Gamera / King Kong / Kaiju vinyl collection and select other things like Nintendo, Star Wars, Namco , Smashing Pumpkins , 8-bit merch ..music ect. So .. i dunno.
I also dabble in macrame and Jazz Fusion involving spaghetti colanders .
Mentioning the name of ‘ Tokka ‘ among others in the comic industry ( or any other art related venue ) promptly instigates hushes, whispers, and plots by hillbillies in broken down old Chevrolet pick-ups to chase after me down the dusty road in ‘ MOBS ‘ with torches & pitchforks and a crusty ol’ wailing hound dog named JEB.
Yes ..everything i touch or do sparks controversy and leads to much shunning of Tokka and his work for well over a decade now !! And i don’t even try !! !!
However a cult following has popped up for what i do over the years and that has helped .. the ♥ those people show for me.
I am supposedly also the subject of numerous police sketches involving “SUPPOSED” Bolivian bank heists. You can find my warrant poster in post offices all over
Bolivia. I even have my own ‘ TOPPS Suspected Bank Heist Operatives ‘ Bubble Gum card !!
I also excel at self – loathing.
So what’s new with you ??
2) How long have you been collecting TMNT and what prompted you to start?
–>> .. gee whizz , i don’t know.. .. prolly about since 1989 .. i’m obsessive compulsive so i think that’s what prompted me to start.
3) What specifically do you collect (toys, comics, etc.) and how large is your collection?
–>> .. ..um .. collect as many toys as i can, especially the more odd-ball ones. My friends have much more extensive, complete, and organized collections than me. Mine is much more random ..uncatagorized .. allot of it’s just pure crap. But it’s rather huge.
I do have allot of special ..unique art, old moldy food items, TMNT display items and old packages, peg – toys , international comic and toy releases, and the frightening ‘ Ninja Hero Rider ‘ horse toy, video games, and handhelds. So much of this stuff i had to bust my ass off for and some of it i’m kind of proud of. There is allot that is out on display, some is still on card, and tons of it is packed up in boxes and buckets. Some day i hope to display most of this crap more prominently ..
But i’ve been trying to dig myself out of the junkyard for a long time now , i display what i can. ;/
4) What is your favorite piece in your collection and why?
–>> .. that’s not a fair question .. .. i have allot of favourites.
Um one of them tho’ .. also is the most disgusting, an unopened bag of ‘Pizza Crunchabungas’ . I had a small stash of these. They were so awful tasting tho’ i never finished them. I tossed most of the contents in the compost but saved the bags. One bag tho’ remains ‘ intact ‘ . 20 million years after i have left this blue sphere .. the Crunchabungas shall remain ..prolly enshrined and worshiped by the cockroaches that will take over and rule the planet for the next 42,000000000000000000000 zillion years. Look for their uprising some time around the year 2014.
I am also very fond of the ‘ TMNT Vs. Shredder ‘ pasta cans and the exclusive Super Shredder from Chef Boyardee.
Art wise .. i have a small and growing collection of ‘ Shredder, Tokka , and Rahzar art’ . Among them, a hand traced ‘Tokka’ movie concept design from the original TMNT II movie archives .. created by Kevin Eastman himself. I love my DARK DEVIL SHREDDER figure as well.
5) How do you store/display your collection at home?
–>> ..some of it is on the walls, some of it is all over the floor with slobber and bite marks, .. buckets, shelves, boxes , piles of clutter.
So random, man .
Actually it seems anymore i collect allot of dust more than anything.
I’d love to go into detail with you about my dust collection one of these days.
Again, someday .. hopefully i’ll have a better living situation and life won’t be so chaotic. Maybe the economy won’t tank .. and maybe i can treat my collection with a bit more respect than it deserves.
But well .. welcome to hell, folks.. .. that’s what life it like living in the junkyard .. ** ** graahhh !! ** **
If none of that happens .. you’ll fine my spikey, rotting corpse laying crushed under 23 tons of stale bags of Pizza Crunchabungas.
There’s allot of my Turtle garp i post like a rabid snapper on my infamous FlickR account if you are so inclined ..
@ http://www.flickr.com/photos/terrible2z/
6) What are your top five most wanted TMNT collectibles?
–>> DAMM um..
More ART , I would like a more exstensive Shredder ( Foot Clan, Tokka, & Rahzar collection), The Shreddermobile, the cover art to Bodycount # 4 by Simon Biz , and some prop from TMNT 2 from one of the Tokka suits.. anything . There’s prolly more, but well .. whatever – ..man i don’t know.
Thanks for your questions.. .. i hope you you don’t need a sedative now . Can i go back to panicking now ?!
(( Also the dog just got into all the unopened Crunchabungas and barfed ’em up all over carpet in the living room. Now i gotta get the steam cleaner out and scrub up all that m –
wait a sec .. !!
I DON’T HAVE A DOG !! !! !! )) 0 _ 0 ~~ ** !! !!
>_< ~~ **
..whatever .. love you , bye bye. XO XO XOXOXOOO..
~~ Burp .. **
