“Near the end of the 12th century, the Vikings as we know them ceased to exist. Their barbaric blood had been diluted over the centuries and they had become more civilized. Violence became frowned upon and bold displays of it were outlawed. Decrees of all kinds were established to govern and control the people’s actions. Struggling to adapt in this new era and retain their strong belief in loyalty and honor in battle are the “The Last of the Viking Heroes.” These four valiant friends fight for survival in the changing times of the 12th century… Prince Sven, last of the Viking royalty, Erik, the swashbuckling Ladies’ man, Jon, the magician, and Tomgar, the half-native American warrior, cut a swath of action and adventure through mystical kingdoms of yore priding themselves on the warriors code of loyalty and honor.”
–>>What were looking at here is the collected L.V.H. Summer Specials No.s 1-3..which include the classic TMNT Crossovers ( the Teens’ second and third encounters with the Famous Vikings ).
As TMNT fans have known all along .. Turtles is the stuff of Legends !!
Pop-culture wise they are beyond a staple in the culture and have beyond a shadow of a doubt changed the comics landscape and that unique pop-iconography not just with the creative history of Mirage and it’s founders; but by the massive artistic and story -telling powerhouses associated with various related, cross-over, and spin-off medias.
“THE LAST OF THE VIKING HEROES” is not just some late 1980s, early ’90s indy comic ‘THING’..
The book & series is a cult comic hit brain child-ed by comic legends in their own right MikeThibodeaux & RickFrench.
L.V.H. is in the spirit of Conan the Barbarian but with humor and action all it’s own .. even the book itself is legendary and has courted REAL LEGENDS in the comics field & lexicon .. ::
George Perez, Howard Chaykin, Frank Frazetta, Arthur Adams , Dave Stevens, John Byrne, and Jack “THE KING” Kirby have all graced their visionary, Nordic powers to the history of The L.V.H.
Hell.. Mike Thibodeaux started in early in his career as artistic assistant to Kirby himself.
Mike and the Genesis West team are also inheritors of much of the Kirby Genius and Legacy .. and have gone on to carry much of that allegorical ‘Comics Dynasty’ into the future !! !!
It is also thru’ the magic of this relationship that would lead The King to some of his rare TMNT work in **1992’s Turtle Soup #4 !!
I’ve been touting this “TMNT – LEGENDARY” crap since 1996 ..and it’s stuff Turtle fans have known all along !!
Long gone are the days i’d get laughed out of the cartooning school and comic shop boasting the importance of the Ninja Turtles Comics, artistry, and story telling.
Once again we are presented another example of just how the TMNTs , their friends and allies have touched the lives of so many inspired individuals in so many ways. Even The Last of the Viking Heroes.
I just hope at this point, Viacom is listening to your cranky, schizo – ol’ Snapper pal.
In some rare regards .. early indications are that ‘They might be’.
~ t
♣ ♣
“Michael Thibodeaux has worked as a graphic artist at various advertising and illustrative type companies. He was Art Director for “One Stop Posters”, one of the largest poster producing companies, for 10 years, and worked with Mattel Toys, Disney and Warner Brothers.
In 1978, Michael worked with Jack Kirby on a variety of projects, including presentations directed to the Animation Market. He and Jack Kirby worked together for over 14 years where they collaborated on creating design concepts for future projects. Mike was Jack’s right hand man.
Michael Thibodeaux has been involved with comics for over 30 years. His professional comic career started at Pacific Comics in the early 1980’s where he worked with Jack Kirby on “Captain Victory”. Michael’s creation of “Last of the Viking Heroes” was first used as a back up at Pacific Comics and went on to Genesis West Publishing with much success. Michael has worked with D.C. Comics, Mirage Studios (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) and Image Comics.
Michael is best known for being one of the best artist/inkers to work along side with Jack Kirby. Together, they built a foundation of new and exciting concepts. Jack Kirby, Michael Thibodeaux and Richard French have developed many concepts ready for new horizons.”
” Rick French.. has a BS Degree in Business. He launched Genesis West Publishing over twelve years ago with partner Michael Thibodeaux. Publishing popular comic book titles such as “Last of the Viking Heroes”, “Phantom Force” and “Professor Kublak” have been some of Richard’s many projects.
Richard collaborates with Michael in conceptual story plots and dialogue development. He is highly skilled in computer generated color imaging, advertising layouts and promotional packages.
Together, Richard and Michael make a well rounded, talented team. Their creative abilities are put to work in creating and developing character/story concepts geared for the Animation/Movie Industry.
Richard French developed his illustration talents while working in the Aerospace field for fifteen years. As a Mechanical Design Engineer his creative ability was always tested. Richard was honored with a United States Patent for one of his designs.”
I really love you blog/site!
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