I’ve always wanted to say that! Anyways, I just got back from a couple shops on this fine Free Comic Book Day.
The first shop Heather and I hit up is one of the greatest comic stores on the face of the planet; Comics Factory. CF didn’t have anyone signing today, but it is my LCS, so I have to come by. Oh, and holy crap was it packed.
I picked up a slim smattering of the books they had for free (I have been really looking forward to this MouseGuard)
Comics Factory was having a 3 for 2 sale on anything in the store as well, so I picked up some books
I picked up the copy of Yokai cause I was soon going to be off to see Stan Sakai, and I wanted to make sure I had it incase Things From Another World didn’t. Speaking of TFAW…let’s go!
Things From Another World had a really cool Usagi shrine thing set up:
Saw the world famous Cynthia while we were there. Hi Cyn, sorry your photo is blurry!!
Annnnnnd here is Stan signing stuff, and pictures of him and I with the cool new Usagi plush I got there. Why yes, that IS the worst picture of me ever.
All together, I had Stan sign 4 things. A copy of Yokai, my copy of Shell Shock, and two of the comics he was giving out that I will in turn give away on here in the next day or so. So Watch out!
Usagi drove home.
Happy Free Comic Book Day!
Other Peoples FCBDs!
1. Amanda sent in this picture of Hastur’s Hobbies!
2. Richie of Mutantooze.org said this:
Over in St. Louis, artist Lorenzo Lizana (blog) was at Comic Headquaters doing sketches of people’s favorite characters. My wife and I went through the line and watched him sketch out Dark Phoenix and also a bad ass Aquaman. While waiting we looked through his sketch book and seen concepts for his next project Little Lost Angels and asked for one of the Little Angels for our baby’s nursery. After our trip to Comic HQ we stopped by 3 other comic shops (1 ended up being closed) and we got a ton of free comics at the other two. So all in all it was a great Free Comic Book Day and only 365 more days until the next one!
3. Cynthia sent in her own pics of the Stan Sakai signing:
I should have cropped that last pic before posting it.
mygod,you buy james jean’s Fable!!!!!!!!!!
cool photos .. thx for sharing