** “Mirage Group” illustration by Gale Benning of Philosophia Studios **

–>> Posted upon suggestion and request.. some cool interpretations of the classic cast & creative  brains behind your favourite classic Green Machines over the last 25 years. A nice homage and send-off. ::

(( ** also posted on Pete’s blog ))

“”It’s my wish to present a homage to the Mirage Group as their work was a source of inspiration for many of us during our youth and as we continue in our careers as adults.

Rather than simply admiring the names of “who penciled what group TMNT shot” or “who inked and colored a particular cover”, for just once, we should all celebrate Mirage talents and achievements as creative artists for who they are and all the work they do. Because it’s more than just TMNT.

Here’s to another 25 years!

Created and Illustrated by Seattle artist and film director Mr. Gale Benning. Copyright 2010 Gale Benning and Philosophia Studios.”

[email protected]

Author: tOkKa

tOkKa :: infamous snapper, hench-mutant, & bungle-brain ,beakie-buzzard,snappin' snap-head ..n' chow-chump,enemy of Ninja Turtles. A invertible anomaly in the TMNT fandom unto himself. As a schizophrenic Pop-artist ; tOkKa ..:: Fan-fave ,shunn-'ED'/ lauded by masses, Misunderstood by high percentages.. a cult following has developed by the guy that just doesn't seem to fit into any single category Never-mind his 'Foot Fetish' @ terrible2z.com .. !! "Quoting Macbeth since 1991.."

3 thoughts on “** “Mirage Group” illustration by Gale Benning of Philosophia Studios **”

  1. –>> Thanks, Steph.

    Gale wrote me a note while i was en route to work, but i couldn’t do anything about it at that moment cuz i was on bike.

    He stated someone did something with the image so he had to remove it from his FlickR account or summin’.


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