So, I was watching the movie Marihuana as part of my recent MCubed theme of 1930’s anti-drug films, and it made me think of Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue, and also the extreme irony of it.
You see, in the bonus features to the new season 7 DVD set, David Wise put one of my TMNT conspiracy theories to rest: Michelangelo’s voice is loosely based on Jeff Spicoli from the film Fast Times at Ridgemont High, played by Sean Penn who was an obvious recreational user of marijuana. So what? (If you don’t see the obvious, then read on.)
When Cartoon All-stars was released, they picked characters from all the major cartoons of the day, including the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. And which Turtle did they pick? Why Mikey, of course. The one Turtle who’s voice in the toon was inspired by a character from a movie who used drugs. Talk about irony!
–>> Remember this , Jes !?
@ >>
Didn’t Laird take issue with that tee?
–>>He prolly did . I guess the basic ban on it was due to the obvious drug reference.
Funny how it contrasts to all the ” TURTLES SAY NO TO DRUGS” shirts you see nowadays.