Sideshow Polystone Donatello Review

I love living in Southern California. Especially when it comes to ordering Sideshow products. Since their shipping hub is in Thousand Oaks, we So Cal folk get out stuff the day after it ships! As such, I know a lot of you are dying waiting for your (which many of you will get tomorrow! Congrats!) I thought I’d do a quick and dirty review! This particular statues is the Sideshow Exclusive version.

The statue is made of polystone, so it has significant weight to it. So yes, your disgruntled ex wife COULD probably club you to death with it…which…you know… is something to keep in mind.

Each piece is individually numbered on the bottom, which is a nice as opposed to it just simply being a numberless edition of so many. As you can see, 425 were made of this version of the statue.

So what makes it “exclusive”? Each piece comes with two different bandannas. A red one for the comic fans…

And a purple one for those of you who have no idea why Don would wear a red bandanna 😉

They attach Magnetically to Don’s head…which looks super creepy when you don’t have either bandanna on!

As for Size, here are a few comparison shots. First wit the 88 action figure

And with a GIANT Turtle

I will leave you with some random vanity shots of Don. For more info you can go directly to the Sideshow Website. Or ask us questions!

One thought on “Sideshow Polystone Donatello Review”

  1. –>> So beautiful, Steph ..

    i do prefer the red bandanna Don –

    these are considerably reasonable compared to Sideshow product i’ve tried to aquire in the past, gona try at least get one.

    Cross your fingers tho’ – – i’ve yet to have any luck with sideshow.

    but i’m terribly impressed with these pieces. Maybe i can at least get a Leo or somin’.

    Yeh by the time i have the $$ for one, he’ll be out.

    Yeh famous last words , huh !!

    Damn, so awesome !! !!

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