–>>** Thanks to our friends Richie & mutantooze.org.
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“Go behind the scenes of the making of the TMNT Mural at Meltdown Comics, painted by Ninja Turtle creator Kevin Eastman and Graffiti icon Mark Bode. Filmed and Edited by Adam Dorsey (www.adamdorsey.com).
For more information on all of the events in the 35 Days of Kevin Eastman celebration at Meltdown Comics, visit http://tinyurl.com/meltdowneastman
November 30th: “TMNT” Exhibit Opens
December 7th: “Underwhere” Exhibit Opens
December 14th: “Biz and Buzz” Exhibit Opens
December 21st: “Lost Angeles” Exhibit Opens
December 28th-January 4th: Heavy Metal 35 Anniversary Exhibit Opens”