‘COTTONWOOD Center for the Arts’ Cautiously Presents::
“TOKKA” ~ One x One Show
MARCH 25, 2011
427 E. Colorado Ave.
Colorado Springs, Co 80903
* *
**Cottonwood Center for the Arts
*** Directions to Cottonwood on Google MAPS..

“Tokka .. Regardless of what he calls himself you know him as an
intensely gifted and thoroughly focused artist. Raw, realized, passionate, political, his work screams at you on levels both in your face and abstractly, both Day-Glo and nuanced, bold and sublime. His mediums are many: he puts the bang back into Pop, pours power across a page, tears pixels into tomorrow, gives action figures a second coming. He rocks, he raves, he saves. He wakes us up from ourselves.”
— Steve Murphy :: Former creative director of Mirage Studios Inc.;
Puma Blues, Umbra, TMNT Adventures, Tales of the TMNT

” [ Tokka ] .. the creme da la creme of TMNT fans!! ”
— Ryan Brown :: TMNT Legend and Artist alumni, Wild West C.O.W. Boys of Moo Mesa

Lambasted by the industry that motivated him; lauded ,endorsed & cheered by the creators that inspired him.
Tokka’s work has singed the eyeballs of the likes of Lucasfilm Licensing, Midway Games, Sega, Microsoft, Disney Comics, Wizards of the Coast, Hasbro, Playmates Toys, Nickelodeon, Nintendo, Heavy Metal Magazine, Mirage Studios, Dark Horse Comics, and Viz Communications just to name a scant few. ( Barf-bags were provided as a courtesy to said company representatives ).
His global & unique cult-following has embraced his schizophrenic renderings & twisted visions of pop-culture iconography & recycled heroes as much as those who’ve shunned him.
It’s also landed him in the sights of the acclaimed international 80s animation magazine ; “CerealGeek”.
And then there’s that crazy “Turtle” thing he does with so much $#%^@#* heart !

COTTONWOOD Center for the Arts in Colorado Springs will present a one night, open-house & special engagement featuring Tokka’s FRIGHT FEATURES on the second floor !!
The First FINAL Friday event of it’s kind with all kinds of fun from the Mutant Monster- Mind and Slaphappy Snapper Freak !!
Friday – March 25, 2011 :: 5 – 8 P.M. @
COTTONWOOD Center for the Arts in Downtown Colorado Springs.
Prepare to be Shell-shocked or just bring a box of tomatoes to “SHUCK” at him letting him know how much you disprove of his antics.
And if he owes you money – then bring a pair of boxing gloves to pop him in the beak until he’s bloody and blue and ponies up the $$ !
Heck, you may even get a free sketch from Tokka out of it !
Hope to smell you there !