–>> Something the ol’ Tokkster shoulda mentioned several weeks back : “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” #1 V.1 Remix Fan Comic headed up by Powder.
While a high profile posting by **Pete thrust this amazing collaborative project into the spotlight, outside of much forum activity .. this special ‘REMIX’ comic has seemed to go under the radar by many main-stream & official TMNT news sources.
But then again.. over 115,000 downloads since it’s premier this past spring may debunk what i just said.
“Back in June 2010, TMNT fan Powder set out on a project bringing fans together to create their own rendition of the Mirage Volume One #1 TMNT comic. Several members of The Technodrome got on board and with nearly every page assigned to a different artist. The TMNT Remix Comic was born. After nearly 9 months of work the comic is completed and MutantOoze would like to present it to you in PDF format and soon CBR format. Enjoy!”
— R.Williams, ** Mutantooze.org
.. Tokka has the pleasure of being invited to contribute to this unique fan-revision of the iconic & original Eastman & Laird classic. I wish to thank Dennis for the invite and hard ..strategic work, Richie W. of ***MutantOoze.org for his hosting duties and energetic love for the project, and to all the fellow ****T-dromers for their enthusiastic support on this one-of-a kind rework !!
~ t