” The first sighting of the Loveland frogman was in May 1955 by a local businessman. While driving home for the evening he saw three, four foot tall frog-faced creatures squatting near a bridge. One of the creatures held what seemed to be a metal rod in it’s hand that threw sparks at it’s tip. He immediately drove away to report what he had seen.
Then again in 1972, a Loveland, Ohio police officer was patrolling at dawn and reported seeing something in the middle of the road. As he neared , a creature lept up and jumped over a guardrail, fleeing down an embankment it dove into the Miami River. The officer described the creature as being 3 or 4 feet tall, with wet, clammy skin and a face like a frog. He and another officer returned later that day but all they found were scrape marks going down the hill and into the river.
The second sighting occurred two weeks later when another police officer was driving into Loveland and saw a creature in the road. As he approached, it suddenly stood up on two legs. The officer, shocked at the creature’s appearance, pulled his gun and fired at it but the frog man escaped over a guardrail and vanished into a marshy area.
The policeman’s description matched that of the first officer.
Later that year a farmer reported sighting 4 strange creatures in his field by a river. He came upon them while inspecting his crops. He noted their wide mouths filled with sharp teeth, big round eyes and pale greenish grey skin. As he turned to run he said the 4 foot tall creatures jumped into the river and disappeared.”
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