12″ x 9″ , frame approx. 12 1/2″ x 15″
12″ x 9″ , frame approx. 12 1/2″ x 15″
–>> Here’s a fun project for TMNT do-it-yourselfers !!
A simple department store frame slightly larger than the completed puzzle was used here. **Traditional puzzle saving methods with MODGE PODGE water-based sealer glue was used. HOWEVER, only a few coats on the BACK OF THE PUZZLE were used.
Any variety of puzzle-saver glue or MODGE PODGE should suffice !!
The principles of the lenticular puzzle pieces are of a more ridged plastic than the standard cardboard jigsaw puzzle. Once a lenticular puzzle is completed, at least at this scale and with this many number of pieces ..you can carefully flip the completed puzzle over. A larger number of pieces in a lenticular puzzle, that may require additional assistance or flipping tricks to turn that type of puzzle over.
Once the sealer had been coated on the back of the puzzle a few times, simple matting and framing was implemented with a background of Nick TMNT gift-wrap under the puzzle. You don’t have to do this obviously, it’s just what i did to add to the visual theme of the puzzle. Again i did not laminate the front to keep the original 3d effect of the puzzle. Sealing the front could potentially ruin the effect.
The puzzle in this particular frame is a little tight. You have to use the sealant carefully as if you use to much and/or unevenly .. it can warp a puzzle. I may have done that slightly to this puzzle, i’m not sure. Still i managed to get the piece to fit in the frame. YOU WANT THE PUZZLE TO BE AS FLAT AS WHEN YOU ORIGINALLY FINISHED IT WHEN SEALING WITH THE PUZZLE SAVER.
The completed effect is a unique and cool looking piece of 3D wall art !!
~ t