“Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” Magazine – ‘GIVE A FRIEND A YEAR OF FUN!’ – door hanger (( 1992 ))

"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" Magazine - 'GIVE A FRIEND A YEAR OF FUN!' - door hanger i (( 1992 ))

** View LARGE On Black **

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"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" Magazine - 'GIVE A FRIEND A YEAR OF FUN!' - door hanger ii (( 1992 ))

** View LARGE On Black **

DISGUISE :: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ‘Classic Raphael’ – BOYS COSTUME { 10-12 }; WALMART exclusive (( 2003-2010 ))

DISGUISE :: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 'Classic Raphael' - BOYS COSTUME { 10-12 }; WALMART exclusive i (( 2003-2010 ))

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DISGUISE :: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 'Classic Raphael' - BOYS COSTUME { 10-12 }; WALMART exclusive ii // Card insert (( 2003-2010 ))

DISGUISE :: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 'Classic Raphael' - BOYS COSTUME { 10-12 }; WALMART exclusive iii (( 2003-2010 ))

DISGUISE :: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 'Classic Raphael' - BOYS COSTUME { 10-12 }; WALMART exclusive iv (( 2003-2010 ))

DISGUISE :: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 'Classic Raphael' - BOYS COSTUME { 10-12 }; WALMART exclusive ix (( 2003-2010 ))

DISGUISE :: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 'Classic Raphael' - BOYS COSTUME { 10-12 }; WALMART exclusive viii (( 2003-2010 ))

DISGUISE :: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 'Classic Raphael' - BOYS COSTUME { 10-12 }; WALMART exclusive x // Tokka with Souless-RAPH mask !! !!  (( 2003-2010 ))

#TMNT ..  !? >:D

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Raph ♥ Kevin Eastman (( 1988 ))

Raph ♥ Kevin Eastman (( 1988 ))

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Twenty-oh-Nine @ Rubbish Gallery 12/11 – 12/12/2009 // Colorado Springs, CO

Twenty-oh-Nine  @ Rubbish Gallery 12/11 - 12/12/2009.. Colorado Springs,CO

Twenty-oh-Nine .

Rubbish Gallery has been showing and supporting emerging artist in the Pike’s Peak region for over four years.
Our aim this holiday season is to not only provide small and affordable art to give as a gift, but to take it one step further
and present a product that can be sold for less than the price of dinner and a movie.
Twenty-Oh-Nine is a collection of creations from local artists selling for $20.09.

'Claw Shredder - CRAB'chuck'  :: Wood Mount , Penultimate v. i

Doors open this Friday Dec 11 at 5:17 PM, all art will be sold off the wall on a first come first serve basis.
All original artwork by local artists. Over 40 different artist’s made over 200 pieces of art for this years show. Give the gift of locally made art this year. ( *6 pieces by tOkKa will be present / 2 TMNT )

'Claw Shredder - CRAB'chuck'  :: Wood Mount , Penultimate v. ii

Our musical line up for our opening on Friday, December 11th will include DJ Juicebox, Andy Tanner, and Jackie Bond.

On Saturday, December 12, things are going to get dancey with Highered Intellegence, Gaia Experiment, and from Boulder, Sunshine.

'Claw Shredder - CRAB'chuck'  :: Wood Mount , Penultimate v. iv / Raph


**Rubbish Gallery 17 B Bijou St
Downtown in the alley behind Old Chicago across from 15 C
Monthly Opening night on Second Fridays.
Open every Friday And Saturday night 5:17 – 10:17
Follow us on Facebook At Rubbish Gallery.

X-entertainment’s Video Archives :: 65th Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade – “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at the parade riding in on fancy Red Cadillacs” (( 1991 ))

** X-Entertainment: The 1991 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade !!

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“.. ..Still in top form by 1991 were the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and at the parade, all four of them appeared, riding in on fancy red Cadillacs. Even though they were just as much live action movie stars as beloved cartoon characters by this point, the costumes reflect their animated appearances. The costumes aren’t exactly top notch when compared to the suits we saw in the films, but at least the designers went through the trouble of gluing cute little Santa hats onto each Ninja Turtle head.

There were two Cadillacs, and two Turtles in each. The first one out had Raphael and Donatello, and I’ll take this as a solid admission that they were by far the coolest Ninja Turtles. Your opinion may differ, but let’s review the facts:

Michaelangelo: Party dude who liked screaming party-themed words.
Leonardo: Disciplined leader known for honing his skills and being a fun-sucker.

Raphael: B☻tchy loner who enjoyed obscenities and Critters 3.
Donatello: Oddball scientist who built giant blimps in his spare time.

Come on, there’s no comparison.

All told, it’s kind of a weak appearance for the Turtles. They didn’t get a balloon, and they didn’t have any kind of song and dance number. Despite this, the audience goes absolutely bananas for ’em. In the clip, take note of the crowd noise. I really doubt that the parade’s producers went through the trouble of piping prerecorded cheers over the speakers, so this was a legitimate hometown heroes’ welcome for the lean, green fighting machines.” — **Matt @ x-entertainment.com