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–>> .. Rich, our Rocky Mountain TURTLE Comic-guru has got your SUMMER comic schedule from IDW, click the link of each corresponding issue to get the details from Rich himself ! !
June, 2014 04 – TMNT #34; TMNT, Vol. 8: Northampton TPB **#34 preview on COMICVINE 18 – TMNT: Turtles In Time #1; TMNT #35 25 – TMNT Annual 2014; TMNT New Animated Adventures #12 July, 2014 02 – TMNT, Vol. 1: Change Is Constant 2014 TPB; TMNT Micro-Series, Vol. 1 2014 TPB; Tales of the TMNT, Vol. 5 TPB; TMNT Annual 2012 Deluxe Limited Edition HC; TMNT Animated, Vol. 4 TPB; TMNT Heroes Collection Oversized HC 09 – TMNT New Animated Adventures #13 16 – TMNT: Turtles In Time #2; TMNT: Utrom Empire, Vol. 1 TPB; TMNT Original Motion Picture Special Edition HC 30 – TMNT #36 August, 2014 06 – TMNT Adventures, Vol. 8 TPB 13 – TMNT New Animated Adventures #14; Secret History of the Foot Clan, Workprint Edition HC 20 – TMNT: Turtles In Time #3; TMNT Color Classics: The Works, Vol. 3 HC 27 – TMNT #37
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***Nick “NITRO” , superfan and friend has a really impressive and ambitious “HARD CORE TMNT” FAN COMIC project going on that needs a little love and support on PATREON ; check’it. This is really cool !! !! ::
***Donate if you can, every lil’ bit helps !! !!
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- Power Rangers alumni, Stuntman & owner/operator of TMNTVAN.COM, Jason Ybarra has a nice write-up about his famous TMNT PARTY WAGON in the latest issue of **HOT V.W.s, check it at your local news stand !! !!
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Great reading – – check these articles for some TMNT 30 related gud’ness !! ::
TMNTA’s MURPH & Allen are back!! , MULTIVERSITY COMICS :: 30 Years of TMNT: Looking Back on “TMNT Adventures” with Dean Clarrain and Chris Allan [Interview]
- teennagemutantninjaturtles.com :: 2 part Kevin Eastman Interview.. includes New Movie Insight. **PART 1 , *** PART 2
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**In regards to Machi’s post about the Cartoon Art Museum in San Fransisco & the TMNT Exhibit – – Tokka was able to contribute to a certain extent to the ***companion book for the exhibit as well as for the exhibit itself. ****Idle hands has a small “HANDS ON” preview of the book including concept looks at the new Movie versions of Splinter & Shredder. *****The official Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: the Ultimate Visual History hits online & in brick n’ motar book stores around June 24 i believe with brand new cover art by K. Eastman and Ryan Brown and slew of other goodies !! !!
Quick Toy notes::
As usual, the drum i pound each and every-time until the damn drum breaks breaks: ” patience is key “. More power to the individual collector or ones of extraneous circumstances who can afford the really wacky and sometimes unreasonable prices any particular dealer offers for advanced product. Not to chastise any particular dealer, i’m sure they price things based on demand. More power to them too.. But if you stay vigil and PATIENT the same product should, in most cases be available locally in your area soon, if not very soon. This includes product based on the current T.V. Show from Playmates ( Rahzar, Slash ,LARP TMNT, et al. ), Kidrobot Vinyl releases, ect. When these items show up online in auctions or the toy reviewers receive them from the companies for critique, that’s when you keep a calm and cool eye – best you can on your local store pegs. I know it’s not easy .. but even if i like or not – -it’s the nature of the hunt. Staying cool and collected and learning / recognizing the patterns and signs of product releases makes good sense for getting EVEN THE COMPLETEST everything they want for their particular collection. and you don’t have to break the bank and sell the farm and stress out to make that happen. I’m tellin’ you this cuz Tokka’s gotta tell himself the exact same thing in regards to collecting all the time. 🙂 And if all else fails.. yes yes.. THERE’S ALWAYS EBAY. Real quick, our friend Powder showed us a glimpse of the newest MOVIE T.V. spot with a new Shredder viewpoint. I’ll try to post that soon. ~ t