Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles { newspaper strip } Mike hang-10 ..art by BERGER – isolated :: 06071992"

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles { newspaper strip } Mike hang-10 ..art by BERGER - isolated :: 06071992

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles { newspaper strip } Mike hang-10 ..art by BERGER - isolated :: 06071992

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles { newspaper strip } ..Ray Fillet v. Shredder..art by Lawson :: 08181991

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles { newspaper strip } ..Ray Fillet v. Shredder..art by Lawson  :: 08181991

–>> Double Classic TMNT Comic Strip Post for GGM on this Holiday weekend !!


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles { newspaper strip } ..Ray Fillet v. Shredder..art by Lawson  :: 08181991

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles { newspaper strip } ..Raphael & Warrior Dragon { a.k.a. Hot Head } BBQ ..art by Berger :: 06061993

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles { newspaper strip } ..Raphael & Warrior Dragon { a.k.a. Hot Head } BBQ ..art by Berger - isolated  :: 06061993

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles { newspaper strip } ..Raphael & Warrior Dragon { a.k.a. Hot Head } BBQ ..art by Berger :: 06061993

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles { newspaper strip } KRANG'S Summer ..art by BERGER :: 06161993

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles { newspaper strip } KRANG'S Summer ..art by BERGER - isolated :: 06161993

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles { newspaper strip } KRANG'S Summer ..art by BERGER :: 06161993

** GO COMICS & Uclick **

–>> Just like Disney ” It all started with a Mouse.” ..
Remember in the live-jive that is TMNT 25.. ::


Luckily this day and age your favourite heroes ( and villains ) and their magnificent stories have adapted and mutated. to ever growing and changing media and technology !!


.. don’t forget you iPHONE gurus and TMNT TECH-HEADS ..TMNT on the iPHONE app-store !!


**..and the colassal archived collection of the of Jim Lawson ,Dan Berger, and the gangs’ newspaper strip masterpiece is available daily to freshly fuel you Turtle noobs and Classic Fans alike with a daily does of TMNT Comic power !! !!

The comic strip is the only TMNT universe where it ALL collides !!
Guest stars a’plenty from Renet, Merdude, Savanti Romero, Monty Moose, Hot Head, Casey Jones, Mary Bones,Tatoo,The Utroms, and of coarse April, Bebop, Rock, Leatherhead, The Fish People, Usagi,Rat King, Krang and more. And it just wouldn’t be the Turtles without SHREDDER to cause problems !! !! And a whole host of entirely new characters specific to the strip like the Mutagen Beastie !! !! !! !!

**CLICK IT, SLICK !! !! **

Subscribe,Discover, Relive , and enjoy !! !!