Available for pre-order in Diamond Comic Distributors’ July catalog, “Previews” V19 #250
Ship Date: September 14, 2009
Format: 32 B&W pages, full color cover, standard size comic
Retail Price: $3.25
Cover art by Fernando Leon Gonzalez, Ryan Brown & Steve Lavigne; plot/layouts by Ryan Brown, script by Dan Berger, pencils by Fernando Leon Gonzalez, inks by Ryan Brown
“Adventures in Bunnysitting” – Michelangelo’s Utrom friend, Klag, asks the good-natured ninja to take care of his pet bunny while he’s away. Unfortunately for Raphael and Mikey, Klag was unaware that the rabbit was a test subject for mutagenetic studies – and once the little critter gets agitated, things go from bad to worse – much, much worse! Based on a true story… well, kinda…