–>> K’ crew, check your mailboxes ..
** TMNT v.2 #30 ** should be showing up very soon ( if not already ) at your house !!
Yeah yeah, 10 bucks is allotta cash for a comic book.. but you got to look at the fact that it includes a unique , one-of-a kind mini- Turtle masterpiece special to that book !!
I mean there’s a zillion reasons why the freekin’ MIRAGE artists ROCK !!
Here’s just two of those reasons ::
..and well a little off topic ..
here’s one more masterpiece that’s unique and special for TOKKA :
~ t
Lawson’s still got it. That’s a great piece tOkKa.
–>> hell yeh, Jess !!
These guys are vets.. but they are all still such damm good artists.