Hey guys,
I had my copies of GobbledyGook 1 and 2 out of their display so I could clean it. Since they were out, I thought I would take some pictures.
For our readers who are not intimately familiar with what these books are, the first print of GobbledyGook 1 and 2 are the first books that Kevin and Peter did together. They are both self-published (created using a photocopier) and had a limited print run of 50 of each. GobbledyGook 1 is the first appearance of Fugitoid, as well as a Triceraton. These are by far the rarest of all Mirage books, and because they are photocopied (thus easily reproduced), the only 100% reliable source for these books are from the creators themselves. My copies were acquired directly from Kevin Eastman.
Yes. I realize that most of this material has been reprinted, but I thought some of you might like to see the art in it’s original format. I kept the pictures HUGE so you can sit and read the books if you like.
Also, you’ll probably notice that there are 4 pages in GobbledyGook 1 that appear twice. This is obviously a production error, however, I have yet to confirm as to whether or not this error is in all of the copies or not. I asked Kevin about it when he gave me the books and he said that that was the first time he noticed (leading me to believe that it is just this one copy of the book with the error). I have an email out to Peter right now asking about the error, and I will let you know what he says.
The doodling dragon and the proto-Triceraton are printed twice? Twippy.
–>> wONDER if they’d ever actually “REPRINT” these two rarities.
You think they could or might.
Hmm.. ?!
oi tired.
Dude, these are so sweet. And not only do you have these incredible books, but you may have the only variant! (I’ve come across 3 sets of legit books and this error was not in any of them).
Thanks for sharing!
Yep… It looks like you got the rarest of the rare! My copy of Gobbledygook #1 doesn’t have that reprinted page.
You really lucked out!