Now I could have SWORN I put up a Treasures post about this before, but after searching the database for it…I couldn’t find it. So if I did post this before…you get to enjoy it again, cause it is kinda awesome :-P. Otherwise, this is even MORE awesome.
Today’s post on Peter’s blog about the logo of one of his earliest projects, Scat, reminded me that I happen to have a copy of the first issue.

A breif history lesson: While on a bus, Kevin Eastman found an issue of Scat (though I don’t believe it was this issue, as Kevin claimed to me that the issue he found had a red cover). The finding of this book led him to Peter (who had been working on the magazine), and thus sparking their friendship and so on. Long story short, had Kevin not found the copy of Scat…No Mirage, No Turtles.
What makes this particular issue interesting is that it contains one of the first, non-self published works of Peter Laird (WYRM: Pages 10, 11, and 12). These books are extremely rare, as they were distributed locally to Pioneer Valley in MA as a free publication.
If you would like to read the first issue, you can find scans of the entire thing by clicking the picture above.
Extra Credit: Extremely sharp Mirage buffs will recognize the cover image as having been reprinted in the “GobbledyGook” single issue “reprint” (I quote the word reprint because the single issue GobbledyGook is not very similar at all to its double issue grail counterparts).
–>> i assume this would be a little “secondary” as far as rarity to “GobbledyGook”, but still exceedingly rare !! !!