One of the coolest things about being a huge collector of anything is that you get to meet people you would never normally meet. At San Diego Comic Con, Steve Lavigne was given the card of a sculptor that used to work with Scott Hensey over at Anaglyph (one of the studios that sculpted the vintage TMNT toy line for Playmates). Steve gave me the card saying that he thought this was someone I should get in touch with. And this is how I met David Arshawsky.
David is one hell of a sculptor, and has sculpted a number of my favorite pieces including Pizzaface, Wingnut, and Ray Fillet!

I was very enthusiastic about getting to pick his brain, since I actually own a number of his prototypes, like this unreleased version of Pizzaface!

Anyway, we got to chatting, and sometime in the near future I plan on taking a trip over to his studio to check out some of the pieces he has (which I will of course post about). But one of the cooler things he turned me on to is a little self published book he’s put out. “Turtle Soup – Designs From The Classic TMNT Years”.

This book is full of concept art of figures, vehicles, and roleplaying gear that was designed and sculpted by David. While there is a ton of stuff in there for toys that you have seen, there is also a ton of art in there for figures that you have NEVER seen, and I don’t believe you’ll ever see it anywhere else! In my humble opinion, this book is a MUST HAVE for any of the serious toy collectors out there. And for $8.00 you really can’t go wrong!

You can pick up a copy of David’s book via this link! (Disclaimer: David also does adult oriented art, and if you snoop around on the turtlemilk site, you’ll probably run into stuff that is not acceptable for viewers under the age of 18)
That’s a pretty awesome looking TMNT art book! How many pages does it contain?
Thank you so much for sharing this!
–>> soon as you posted this i checked it, was hooked and i bought.
cannot wait to see this !!
Steph , your prototypes are some of my faves in your collection . So yeh thanks ,man !! !!
–>> Adam, this is a thick little book .. maybe over 50 pages .. .. dude there is so much packed in there !! !!
Worth every penny !!