Wanted: Bebop & Rocksteady : The Gallery

Things have been a bit slow through 2017 when it comes to TMNT figures released outside America. So, seeing the new Wanted: Bebop & Rocksteady toys (and Usagi!) suddenly appear at UK retail really is a real turn-up!

Bebop & Rocksteady are here paying tribute to thier 1980’s predecessors. These two heavys are still the new incarnations of the dopey duo, but given a throwback facelift. The upcoming 3-episode arc of Nick TMNT season 5 should give a full explaination of this theme.

Take some time to marvel at the gallery put together of these ‘Fall/Autumn 2017’ Playmates releases. There’s also some comparisons thrown in too.


Author: Hero_777

UK-Based, longterm TMNT enthusiast, proud parent and professional Santa Claus.

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