Ok, I’m about to do something I haven’t done since the days of the TurtleVan, when it was all me, and I didn’t have the reputation of my staff to protect. I’m going to rant. The following is not the opinion of anyone at GGM except myself. If you have a problem with it, take it up with me personally, or better yet, just stop reading this blog all together, because if you are the people I’m talking about, I don’t want you here anyway.
Certain members of this fanbase are a cancer. A disease. You. The person who complains that they want something, and then when they get it, they complain. You. The person who, when someone you claim to respect has made possibly the biggest decision of his life, choose to shit all over him instead of stand by him like you SHOULD.
You bastards are so wrapped up in trying to shove what YOU would do down our throats, that you don’t stop for ONE SECOND to think what is good for the property, or good for Peter as a human being.
Boo Hoo. This isn’t what you would have done. Really? Well when you have nurtured an intellecual property for 25 years, slaved over it, lived it, bled it, breathed it, used it to provide for your family, KNOWN NOTHING but this ONE THING for TWENTY FIVE YEARS…THEN you can come tell me what it is that YOU would do; and THEN and only THEN, will I listen to you, because you’ll know what the hell you’re talking about. Until then, you Don’t!
You know who you are? You’re the beer swilling asshole who sits on his fat ass and screams at his football team through a television to make the plays like you want to make them; when you have never thrown a football in your goddamn life. That is you. And I hate you. With every fiber of my being.
Please send all hate mail to Stephan@gogreenmachine.org Then please get the hell out of my fandom.
–>> Don’t let that *&%#’s “disease” infect you, Steph.
You don’t need that stress, man. you don’t deserve it.
I agree that fans are going ape-sh*t over this announcement. There are so many that are quick to burn anyone who makes a decision at the stake. I support this Nick purchase and expect lots of new movies, toons, toys, and more… I don’t think Nick will “kill” the franchise as people are saying, people just need to have a little faith and realize it’s not the end of the Turtles, it’s just a new chapter in their lives.
Hurrah! I have been reading over all the positives and negatives this morning and you have summed up much of what I wanted to say but was afraid of starting a messy internet flame war. My hat goes off to you!
AMEN! ;D I totally agree! People need to chill out and realize this is a GOOD thing. I think most fans are just a lil gobsmacked by the suddenness of it, but the tides are starting to turn more positive!
You can’t blame Peter Laird for making this decision, and in any event, it was HIS decision to make. Personally, I’m not angry at him or anyone else. I just think it’s a bit sad, myself. This is the end of an era. I am sure that Nickelodeon wil breathe new life into the property, but it’s just a bit sad to think that after 25 years, the original creators won’t be the ones taking care of the TMNT any more.
While I agree with some of what you have written, I did not expect this to appear on this site from someone who is usually very level-headed. I am a little disappointed that you felt the need to use inappropriate language and refer to it as “your fandom”. I am not trying to start an argument but simply voicing my opinion as a reader of the site. If this is offensive to you, I am sorry but I think your rant was unnecessary.
Everyone gets an opinion (which is why I’ve approved this comment), as I get mine. When I said “my fandom”, I assumed it was clear that I was using the term royally. By way of meaning “remove yourself from the fandom that I am a part of”. I apologise for that confusion.
Secondly, I don’t believe that cursing is inherently “inappropriate”. Cursing is extremely effective in conveying severe tone and aggravation. Furthermore, I am an adult, and so our most of our readers, and every word I used (save for the 1 usage of “shit”) can be heard uncensored on public television. And perhaps I wouldnt have used that word if that wasn’t EXACTLY what a number of “fans” are currently doing.
Third, you’re right. I usually am the level headed one. I am the one that brings reason. So when I explode like I did last night, it is for very VERY good reason.
Lastly, if you would like prime examples of “unnecessary”, head on over to Peter’s blog and read the comments
Again, I appreciate that you have voiced your opinion as a reader, but you also have to remember, that occassionally, I get to voice my opinion as a writer; which is exactly what I did.
Now that I have read over the comments on Peters blog I can see why you felt the need to post this, it makes sense and it is something you felt strongly about so I cant fault you on that. Some of the posts on Peters blog are very malicious and I think people forget that the TMNT developed through work and sacrifice of the last 25 years and that is a lot of pressure. Thanks for responding in a thoughtful manner and opening my eyes to some of the bad apples posting on Peters blog.
Yikes…I’m still of mixed emotions, but I can also see where Peter’s coming from. I have asked the same question that “he who shall not be named” asked though: What other properties does Mirage have save the Turtles? (or even isn’t tied to them. Planet Racers and The Fugitoid are now somewhat part of the Turtles mythos.)
Go Stephan, wait, now, breathe…
One can’t blame Peter for wanting a change of pace.. and one can’t blame anyone at Mirage.. this kind of thing happens and change is what happens.. We can only be excited for what may come with the TMNT..
Well said stephen… None of us know what it’s like to deal with something of that nature, its enormous & extremely hard to process I would imagine. Each fan is fortunate enough to have at least one branch of the TMNT that has claimed their love, for some the comics, others the OT, etc. Even if the turtles were to go this way or that way, one can never take away what we’ve had for the last 25 years, an excellent ride with much experimentation (most of which did us and the franchise some good.) You have every right to rant.. numerous people who won’t be named, both at the forums and commenting poor ol’ pete, are selfish and unbelievably cruel, naive, jerks. There were plenty of people who went through a whirlwind like this in the 80’s when the turtles first had they’re own toon, but it opens eyes to those who may not have heard of the tmnt before, or had only seen them in a certain format. Although I cant say what nickolodeon intends to do with our boys in green, as far as I am concerned, this answered the question I’ve asked for as long as I can remember… that being this; “Will the teenage mutant ninja turtles be around when I’m an old man?” or rather, “Will my kids be able to be fans of them?” A sale of this nature IMO has garunteed them the legacy so many comics of the past have had, such as batman, spiderman, etc. They’re legends now & I’m glad that a big suit and tie corporate slave machine would have so much faith in a property thats been considered ‘dead’ by so many bitter fans and marketers alike. All I can close that with, is “TURTLE POWER!”
This was so awesome it hurt. It’s one thing to be personally dissappointed. It’s a completely different matter to be venomous towards the parties involved, and it’s wholly unacceptable.