TMNT Vs. KRANG PAPERCRAFT [[ Courtesy of 4kids & Paperfoldables ]]

–>> light of Bryan’s kick-arse **”KRANG” paper foldable, and after wrestling with the .PDF file , I got frustrated and just converted it to .JPG form.

But why stop there ?!

In a manic fit i created an image set including the entire ***4kids TMNT Paper-craft collection so you can pit Splinter and the Gang up against the paper-cut tyrant from Dimension-X ( just in case you haven’t made the 4kids paper figs before ).

Also in the set are other printable goodies like the classy ‘Turtle Chase’ game.

In time i will upload more classic print, cut n’ paste fun.

** CHECK the PAPER CRAFT image set Right HERE !! **

ActionFigureCollectors.Com Giving Away 25th Anniversary Turtles

So this is pretty exciting. is celebrating their 10 year anniversary. Right now they are having a prize package giveaway. One of the packages you can win is a full set of 25th anniversary rereleases….


Hark! Doth mine eyes decieve me? These figures are also shown as being part of the prize package.


What a funny way to confirm that these figures are being released 😛

Anyway, slink on over to their site and enter! Click the pic to go directly to the contest.

Awesomeness…Made of Paper.


I’m not going to F around with this post.

This looks awesome.

You should download this right now.

If you build this, and take a picture of yourself with it, I will totally put it up on GGM.

Do it!

That Is All.

Click the pic to download the PDF.

Pure awesome brought to you by

See! Doesn’t Isaac look way cooler than you right now?


SDCC NECA April and Mousers!

Looks like NECA is still alive and kicking folks!


 Click the pic to go straight to Pete’s blog for more info!

TMNT Treasures: Purple Dragon Prototype

Tonight on TMNT Treasures, we bring you fans of the 2k3 show something special. This is a test shot of the unreleased Purple Dragon figure.


Originally slated for release in 2006, This Purple Dragon figure was one of the handful of figures that were slated for production that got the axe. Here is an example (not a part of our collections) of a painted prototype of the figure:


Unfortuantely ours is missing the jacket… and while ours isn’t painted, it is still a fine example of good Playmates work that will never see the light of day…Except…you know…here 🙁

Click the top pic to go to an album of the figure.