“Donatello Comiquette” – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles by Sideshow :: Peek (( 2009 – 2010 ))

"Donatello Comiquette" - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles by Sideshow :: Peek   (( 2009 - 2010 ))

“Since the announcement of Sideshow Collectibles acquisition of the ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ license, fans of the heroes in a half-shell have been chomping at the bit to see who would be the first turtle in our new line of collectibles! We are very happy to spill the beans that it is none other than Donatello! **Click on the link below to see a totally rad preview of this skilled fighter! And remember to be back here next week for your chance to pick-up this tubular turtle through Pre-Order!”

(( ..thanks to ウサギの帽子の !! ~t ))

Author: tOkKa

tOkKa :: infamous snapper, hench-mutant, & bungle-brain ,beakie-buzzard,snappin' snap-head ..n' chow-chump,enemy of Ninja Turtles. A invertible anomaly in the TMNT fandom unto himself. As a schizophrenic Pop-artist ; tOkKa ..:: Fan-fave ,shunn-'ED'/ lauded by masses, Misunderstood by high percentages.. a cult following has developed by the guy that just doesn't seem to fit into any single category Never-mind his 'Foot Fetish' @ terrible2z.com .. !! "Quoting Macbeth since 1991.."