If you hadn’t gotten a clue from the post below this one, It’s Tokka’s Birthday!
I don’t have to tell you that T0kka is an invaluable member of this team, and we all treasure and appreciate his contribution to the Machine. I can firmly say that this blog would not be nearly as colorful or interesting if not for the hard work and creative influence of Dave. So on behalf of all of us, thank you so much for being a part of this family Dave, we love you. Happy Birthday!
The Machines
–>> awwww ..
♥ ♥
yes it’s today the 21st !!
.. that just made my otherwise lousy day, thanks Steph and you Machines !! Your guys open allot doors for me too, and like i say .. i feel less alone tackling this overwhelming Turtle Phenom !!
So the love is mutual !!
you guys are awesome !! !!
Master say have fun !! !! ..~~**
Think Tokka will go try to have some right now !!
We love you to Dave…I mean tOkKa.
Happy Bday!! Woohoo
Happy Birthday tOkKa!!
Happy birthday tOkKa!
I’d send you a birthday mango if I knew your address..