“Only If You Promise To Post It”

So at SDCC09, Steve Lavigne showed me a copy of Kevin’s new TMNT compilation that Kev had given him. Of course, as with almost everyone’s copy, Kevin sketched and signed Steve’s copy. So how would you think Kevin Eastman would sketch and sign a book for a guy who helped launch the TMNT franchise? Some extra detailed awesome sketch perhaps? Maybe a character he rarely draws? No no, not this time.

Instead Kevin signed and sketched the book as if he was three years old! LOL


Steve allowed me to take this picture under the pretense that “you promise to post it and make a huge deal out of it.”

So, making good on my word, here is your huge deal post Steve 😛

Personally I think this is some of Kevin’s best work (OOOOOOOOOO BUUUUUUUUUURN!)

Click the pic for the full size picture.

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