Archie's TMNT TPB Featured Item in Previews!

Archie TMNT collected book in Previews.

Previews is (the comic industry’s monthly catalogue magazine) featuring Michael Dooney’s original Archie miniseries! Archie are reprinting this book with all new colors for the 25th Anniversary of the TMNT! Its appearance in Previews means that it will be in stores and available to purchase in May. Tales of the TMNT #58 is also listed, featuring the return of the C.O.W.Boys of Moo Mesa! Make sure you get down to your comic shops (or even your online stores like B&N now!) and put in your order!

Scan of Previews' Article
Scan of Previews' Article

Hun arrives in town…

Just got word from Mr. B over at Mirage: “Tales of the TMNT” #56 will ben in stores March 23rd! Tell your friends, and if you don’t have a comic shop nearby, check out this link for the best places to order online!


Official Site Launch Postponed

Hi guys,
My master plan was to have the site up and running for an official launch today. I however, have fallen quite ill very suddenly, and am running one hell of a temperature. As such, I would expect to launch officially sometime this coming week. Thank you for understanding and for your continued support.


Drastic Changes!

If you’re reading this right now, you are looking at in it’s Pre-Alpha state. As such, the site design is probably going to change TREMENDOUSLY and often over the next week or two. So you may see some funky things, odd background or headers, or other random weirdness that is going to take place while we lock in our final design. Thanks for your support and patience.

Ebay Alert: Warrior Winged Leo Complete (Reasonable Price)

Go get ’em