–>> **Delays of the new Turtles film aren’t true, ***despite Arnett’s & ****Fox’s post baby reshoot of a third of it earlier in the week. Liebesman & Bay’s production also had more surprises today with **JACK ASS star Johnny Knoxville cast to voice Leo and MONK’s Tony Shalhoub cast to voice Splinter. ***Who knows what further surprises are in store, only the NOSE knows.
Tokka’s current obsession, however is the role of Fichtner’s SHREDDER. If you AREN’T or haven’t been following any of the production news and are trying to avoid spoilers for the new TMNT film, i can respect that and invite you to stop reading this posting now. There might be some minor / major spoilers ahead depending on how much you know about the movie beyond the trailer or want to know.
For fun , i broke down the costume design just a bit and highlighted some of the features of your freakishly favourite fave main-villain **while trying to mentally process potentially other massive spoilers from a very unreliable source ( i wouldn’t check this link unless you REALLY want to cringe ).
“The Shredder in this film is based on his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003) incarnation, where he is an alien being inside a human android suit. His spiked armour and his helmet (with a alien face painted on it) point to his alien heritage.” — ** IMDB
It’s interesting as the mostly peaceful and semi-pacifict Utroms of ol’ TMNT canon in more recent media have become overall a violent species and in some cases outright evil for example as the warring Utroms and Krang of the current IDW comic books.
If you followed 4kids’s spectacular version of TURTLES cartoon show – – the twists and turns in the first couple of seasons had fans on the edge of their seats. About 10 years ago now ( YOWZA !! ) – the concept, as you may recall of Shredder himself being of alien; i.e. of UTROM origin and tying Saki’s history to his bitter enemies the Utroms was a brand new concept at the time. Viewers and fans of the comics were trying to wrap their heads around it all.
Weeks back when the leaked Paramount TMNT production images of the Turtles mock-up designs and these photographs of an actor in Shredder’s suit spread thru’ the interwebs like a nasty virus, — the main focus has been on Teens’ designs.. but the some of the most striking designs arguably may be on Shredder’s suit design itself ( i’m presuming post the release of the first trailer it’s “OK” to post these without retribution of any kind from Paramount,hopefully ).
Aside from speculation early on – indications of another UTROM/Alien version of Shredder ( an alien in an android Battle Exo-suit ) are somewhat clearly made on the Shredder costume’s abdomen.
Hmm.. recalling personally those early 2k3 TMNT season 2 revelation and the heated discussions of fans of the show – – 4kids kept eluding to and building up to the big reveal of the TRUTH of Oroku Saki and the Shredder during Season 1. Some applauded the move, some were stunned & shocked. Some hated it passionately and still do.
So yes, with Fichtner’s version of the iconic character; we’re getting a live-action version of some sort or another of this.
Ch’rell, the UTROM Shredder, proved to be one of the most cut-throat and vicious villains in all of TMNT-lore.
The 2003 show did so much to connect the Utroms to Shredder’s history, some even stated the obvious connotation :: “It’s as if they combined Shredder and Krang from the original series into one character.”
Ch’rell had a downright nasty sovereign-complex, forever plotting, egotistical and megalomaniacle to the very end. Definitely one of the most memorable incarnations of the Shredder ever. Also one of my personal favorites.
IDW’s popular revision of the famous KRANG from the original show echo certain elements of Ch’rell in many regards. The current darker Utrom version of Krang in the comics is very much the definition of a conqueror than ever before. A far cry from the more humorous, whiny, bossy and bubbling Krang so many loved from the classic Turtle show.
Some are stating that this movie’s Shredder isn’t Ch’rell but KRANG himself as the REAL Utrom BIG BAD. This also reflects leaked and supposed dreaded and controversial first drafts of the film plopped online more than a year ago.
The IMDB does seem a little mixed as stating that Krang was the Utrom-Shredder in the 2003 show which he wasn’t. So take all of with a little grain of salt.
What we may be getting in another alien version of Shredder might not only be startling, but it will the very first time we’ve ever seen the Utroms represented in film officially.
Shredder may not only be scary in this movie..
.. he may be downright HORRIFIC.
~ t
Release Date: August 8, 2014
Studio: Paramount Pictures
Director: Jonathan Liebesman
Screenwriter: Josh Appelbaum, Andrew Nemec, Art Marcum, Matt Holloway, John Fusco
Starring: Megan Fox, Alan Ritchson, Jeremy Howard, Pete Ploszek, Noel Fisher, Will Arnett, Danny Woodburn, William Fichtner
Genre: Action, Adventure
MPAA Rating: Not Available
Official Websites: www.turtlestrailer.com/, www.facebook.com/TMNT, twitter.com/TMNTmovie
Plot Summary:
The city needs heroes. Darkness has settled over New York City as Shredder and his evil Foot Clan have an iron grip on everything from the police to the politicians. The future is grim until four unlikely outcast brothers rise from the sewers and discover their destiny as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The Turtles must work with fearless reporter April O’Neil (Megan Fox) and her wise-cracking cameraman Vern Fenwick (Will Arnett) to save the city and unravel Shredder’s diabolical plan.
Dat link, man. Mah goodness!
I still think, mainly due to Eastman’s involvement, it will be the IDW-esqe reincarnation instead of ch’rell/utrom shredder. Hints of this come from Sachs’ interior from the trailer which the picture behind him and April being of feduel Japan and the fact that splinter is probably a mutated rat (his short stature) and not a mutated human. Also Eric Sachs being close to the pronunciation of Oroku Saki.