Hey guys, don’t forget that if you want to enter the Season 7 DVD contest, that the dealine is tonight at midnight (Pacific Standard Time)! Good luck!
Hey everyone! So this is something super exciting. Our first contest! The kind folks at LionsGate sent us a set of all FOUR Season 7 DVDs to give away on GoGreenMachine. Yup, these are the brand new ones that release on May 12th! We have a set waiting for you to take from us! Here is what you’ve got to do:
Write us a story about the TMNT in your life. It could be anything, as long as YOU and the TMNT are present somehow. Maybe a special birthday or Christmas, or when you went to the Coming Out of Their Shells Tour. Did the turtles help you over come an obstacle? Write about that! You could write something fictional if you want, but we would prefer true life tales
About a page long would be perfect, but no more than two pages. PLEASE NOTE that your entry will most likely wind up on GoGreenMachine.org at SOME point, so your participation is basically telling us that we can use your work on our site.
This contest is not about skill. Every person who enters will have the same chance as anyone else. The names of all entries will be tossed in a hat and we will pick one at random.
If chosen, you will win the entire Season 7 DVD catalog. That includes all four DVD slices and Mini-Figures.
Please send your 1-2 page essay to Stephan@Gogreenmachine.org
PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE Your Name and address so we know where to send your DVDs.
All Essays must be in our mailbox by 12AM Pacific Standard Time on TUESDAY May 12th.
Sorry, but no member of the writing staff of GoGreenMachine is eligible. Sorry guys, you know I love you.
Good luck everyone! And…
Go Green Machine!