SDCC09 Thursday (Or, Everything That Could Go Wrong, Did)

Hi guys!

First of all, I want to thank Terminator for being so on the ball with the technical difficulties update for me today. Let me expand on that situation.

So despite the fact that the convention promoted “Free WiFi” on their site prior to opening day, they neglected to mention that pretty much the only place the WiFi works is in or around the Press room. Meaning that, upon entering the conference rooms area, I quickly noticed that I couldn’t even load a webpage, let alone stream a video. That is also why it is taking me so long to upload Kevin’s Panel. I couldn’t upload to our Youtube channel from the con, so I am staying up (really Effing late!) to get this stuff out to you guys. Please keep an eye out over the next few hours on our youtube channel for Kevin Panel updates.

That having been said, lets tide you over with some pictures.

So first is a shot of the front of the line for Kevin’s Panel. I was quoted as saying before the line started forming, “As much as I love Kevin, I’m not sure how many people are going to show up to this…


Open mouth…


Insert foot…




Still Going…


Anyway, you get the idea…Crap-ton of people.

The panel itself started with some pretty standard turtle history stuff, and Kevin being as gracious and humble as ever in regards to fan appreciation. He showed a slide show with a bunch of photos from back in the day. Some I had seen, but many I had not.


He then went into a few new projects that Heavy Metal is working on. War of the World Goliath, and The Heavy Metal Movie. Can’t begrudge the guy a good PR opportunity. This being a TMNT blog however, I am not going to spend too much time covering them, and simply urge you to check out if you want to know more.

Well, I am busy trying to get these videos out to you guys, so i am going to turn my attention to that rather than spending time doing this little slideshow for you guys. However, the photo dump from today can be found here. YOu’ll find picture of all sorts of stuff in there including the Mirage booth and the con exclusive prints they had out (ore on those later when I am not beating my head against the wall).

Much love.
