–>> As TURTLE fans know, crazy Alien epidemics have been all the rage for Don and the rest of the teens since near DAY 1.. so the media’s just gonna need to realize it’s nothin’ new.
DOLLAR TREE’s “ALIEN ACTION FIGURES” aren’t necessarily the answer to Steve Murphy’s mysterious and freaky “SONS OF SILENCE” from the good ol’ TMNTA of the ’90s..
..however, if ya let Tokka “PROBE” your brain for just a little bit – maybe he can help you come up with an oddball play option for your collection that comes kinda close. Well maybe – maybe not.
One part creepy, one part crappy, maybe a little cute, maybe a little ugly, but absolutely cheap !!
Available for a little over a year now at Dollar Tree stores, and apparently still available at some of them .. these big-eye, big-head..but-ugly buggers with the somewhat menacing looking blasters & unused battery compartments are only articulated at the neck and arms. But again for a buck ..these bugs are super affordable
Far as i can tell, only 2 variants of the same mold exist; green and tan. However, in similar packaging & slimmer scale are two-packs of “Ninja Aliens” using similar generic male body molds for Dollar Tree’s Power Ranger & Wrestling toy knock-offs but with Spider-man like heads.
If ya got a penchant like Tokka does for all things weird & bootleg-like these guts may be up you’re alley. Whadda ya got to loose for only a buck ??!
~ t