tOkKa’s NERVOUS PLASTIC BREAK-DOWN;Nickelodeon RISE of The TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES :: MEAT SWEATS (( 2018 )) [[ Standard U.S. release ]]

Nickelodeon  RISE of The TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES :: MEAT SWEATS i (( 2018 )) [[ Standard U.S. release ]]


Nickelodeon  RISE of The TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES :: MEAT SWEATS ii (( 2018 )) [[ Standard U.S. release ]]

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–>> Tokka here. Haven’t done one of these pseudo-review things in a billion years. But since this is my first ON-SITE post ( social media not included – pretty active there ) in over a year – i may be a little rusty. But let’s dive right into the fryer with “MEATSWEATS” – RISE OF THE TMNT’S breakout villain voiced by none other than the incredible John Lydon aka “JOHNNY ROTTEN” of the legendarily infamous Sex Pistols !! !!

Nickelodeon  RISE of The TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES :: MEAT SWEATS iii (( 2018 )) [[ Standard U.S. release ]]
Meat Sweats with “Mutated Hand” variant ..

During this massive hiatus, RISE of the TMNT has taken Nick’s kid’s television, streaming and online blocks by storm. A little divisive, hilarious and sometimes older fans get a chance to warm up to a whole new universe of insane, magical Turtle Teen adventures with a whole new generation of villains with a touch classic 1990s TMNT flavour !!

Nickelodeon  RISE of The TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES :: MEAT SWEATS iv (( 2018 )) [[ Standard U.S. release ]]
Bring on the bacon !!

Nickelodeon  RISE of The TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES :: MEAT SWEATS ..card backer i (( 2018 )) [[ Standard U.S. release ]]

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** View LARGE On Black **

This is the standard card for all U.S. Rise- , basic secondary character 2018, 2019 releases.

Nickelodeon  RISE of The TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES :: MEAT SWEATS ..card insert (( 2018 )) [[ Standard U.S. release ]]

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Meat Sweats is a one-PIG Foodie “POUND PATROL” For Baron Draxum and a premier Mutant for the new Rise of the TMNT toy line !!


On the show, Johnny Rotten voices a real Power House of a villain, done in the spirit of the classic “TMNT 80s Toy Line Wackiness” – has quickly become a fan favourite !! It’s also noted that the Veteran TMNT design team at Varner Studios took an instant liking to the Big Guy’s pudgy-power look as well !!

.. Meatsweats turns

RISE-MEATSWEATS_TURN test .. imperfect, but here is Tokka’s first toy – video turn around of this big ham .

In autumn and winter of 2018; two versions of the Meat Sweats split between the U.S. and Canada /Euro ‘Spin Masters’ releases of the toy included either a “Mutated Hand” or “Tentacle” accessory to interchange with his right Metal fist bracer !!

..Meatsweats absorbs his enemies’ powers with his awful hands. When he removes his protective bracers, the danger he poses is amplified to 2000 !!

He also includes his frightening “Tenderizer” weapon and signature apron.

A small custom “bloody” paint job was done by me as well as on his tow nails & weapon handle. These usually come unpainted.

Variations on his “pants” also exist with portions under the apron coming painted or umm .. “au natural”. >XP

You can twist him around. He’s spry with 8 articulation points at the : neck, hinge joints at the shoulders, elbows, hip and thigh, waist. And of coarse his powerful bracer gloves and removable tentacle/ hand move 360 at the wrist.

Currently, both HAND and Tentacle versions of our Piggy pal are showing up stateside. I am unsure of the boxed quantities in any given shipment nationally or internationally. Although, recently on a Target store visit, i saw one of each variant on the pegs. So i am gonna it is two variants per case.

..a formidable piece of pork !!

Some people i’ve discussed the current retail TMNT toy line with are not fans of the show, BUT love the new toy line. Meaty here is often listed amoungst their absolute favourites.
Meat Sweats with 88 Bebop & 2012 Anton Zeck Bebop !!
.. with TMN : OOS Movie Bebop 2016 !!
..a Pig For Every Season .. but uhhh – HAPPY EASTER !!??
Meat Seats killin’ it with with MEDICOM Johnny Rotten..

Since this is my first toy break-down & write-up back, i’d like to thank you for giving her a quick view !! And special thanks go to Tori at Playmates for her generosity and patience with this review !! !!

•Rise of the TMNT Toys Fight Meat Sweats, Do Challenges & More!

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ICYMI, imperative 1st quarter news aggregate ::

• TechChucker ::


• Daniel Alvarez ::
Watch “Wondercon 2019 Batman vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Panel” on YouTube TMNT

February’s imperative NY Toy Fair highlights & recaps ::


NECA 2019 Walkthru, including TMNT TARGET exclusive Toon highlights and Movie TMNT; SHREDDER..
Dan’s Toy Fair coverage and walkthru’ of Super 7’s booth hadlittle to do with the Green Teens; however S.7. did announced they are expanding on the now iconic “Masters of the Universe Classics” format including other classic 21st century properties such as Conan the Barbarian, Toxic Avenger, & Nickelodeon franchises like Ren & Stimpy and now TMNT !! Very interesting !! If this announcement leads to success, perhaps the Green Teens, eventually will make it to the popular smaller Star Wars 3.5 scale REACTION Figures line !!
SUPER 7 2019
PIXEL DAN’s best of T.F. 2019 recap !!

TOPPS :: Classic TMNT Comic Trading cards are coming back !! Tokka’s Flickr Updates return.

In preparation for my return to GGM and feature posts, i have been scanning both new and older TMNT product, toy packaging and adding older and new photos from my backlog on my old hard drive. There is about close to 6 years of backlogged images intended for potential posts on GGM or at least just for archiving and sharing with fellow TMNT fans.
The t2z- Flickr account has been a great success for millions to access my archives. Unfortunately the rampant abuse and stealing of my images got WAYYYY out of control years ago and backfired me. I have a little bit better grip on watermarks and Creative Commons rights sharing anymore so i have a bit more confidence with scanning and sharing again. Not much is organized or tagged yet, but will take care of it when i can make the time. But if ya don’t believe me that i have been adding to that archive again – TAKE A LOOK !! ** :: Andrew Modeen and Company are at it again !! This time he’s taking it upon himself to finish TMNT Adventures”FOREVER War”!! Check it out on this Grass Roots crowd funding project !! !!


" TMNTA ' Future Tense ' " - banner [[ Via Ninja ]]



'FOREVER WAR' – 5 to 3 *

"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" Volume 1. #1 / 25th anniversary printing  // TMNT Adventures ' Forever War ' - ad (( 2009 ))

–>> Some questions regarding the drop by 2 issues of the 15 year anticipated TMNT Adventures “FOREVER WAR” that concludes the original Turtles / Archie cult hit have arisen.

Initially advertised and intended ( as seen above ) as a 5 – parter .. it’s been dropped down to a 3 – issue mini series. Hindering speculation, one goes right to the source.

For a simple explanation Dean Clarrain ( a.k.a. Mr.  Murphy ) provides this  ::

” ..I lowered the Forever War run to 3 issues but kept the same overall
page count. I just needed to push it further out in time more cuz I’m
so far behind in writing it…   ” the “Forever War ” is still a W.I.P. at the moment, but still promises to be worth it’s weight ( wait ?! ) in gold. Or Time Slips.. or ..   O’ I don’t know where I was goin with that so I’ll shut – up now.
