–>> In honour of Veteran’s Day & Week, i’ve uploaded from GRUNTS #1 :: “THE LESSON” – A TALE OF THE TRICERATON MARINES (( 1987 )) .. and ONLY that single, classic story from Mirage’s ’87 anthropomorphic war-anthology one-shot.
Pencils/ script / story by Peter Laird
Inks by Ryan Brown
Letters by Steve Lavigne
One of my all-time favourite Peter Laird side-stories. ::
** For your convenience in reading, i’ve given the entire story it’s very own set on the t2z – flickr. **
During a rest break from combat in the dirty barracks within the ZOGNEB ARZAK SYSTEM the overzealous ZAD and a small band of his fellow, young Triceraton Marines are gloating about their strength & might and the weakness of their mammalian enemies.
Ol’ Sergeant Zule soon puts a stop to the brave but naive bands’ smugness with a tale about when he was young Triceraton Marine and a vicious encounter & the hard lesson learned from facing an enemy mammalian URSID.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and all related characters ©2013 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles®, including Raphael®, Michelangelo®, Leonardo®, Donatello®, and April O’Neil® are registered trademarks of Viacom International Inc.
Based on characters and comic books created by Peter A. Laird, Kevin B. Eastman.