“Tokka’s Terrifying ‘TOP 13 ‘ Most Terrible TMNT Villains of all TMNT 25 TIME ” prt. 3 of 3
Today’s postings on G.G.M brought to you by the # 6, the letter ‘ T ‘ , and by
Catch the biggest TMNT motion picture event of the year today at 10 A.M. EXCLUSIVELY on the **CW4kids !!
“TOON IN” or may an the unholy souls of the ancient Foot Mystics’ undead Halibut demons that swim in the toxic waters of the river Stix lay ghostly deifications of demonic fishy poo on every single pizza you ever eat this day and for the rest of your life !! !! !!
.. and support for Tokka’s pathetically sloppy attempts at cursing you with threats of evil, ghost halibut demons dung is brought to GGM by readers like you !!
**AND WE THANK YOU !! !! **