Don’t forget that the Ubisoft press conference is today at 5pm PST. While I honestly don’t know if they will cover Smash or Turtles in Time, it will probably be an interesting time anyway!
Click the pic anytime after 5pm to watch.
Update: Ubisoft very breifly covered Smash-Up, but just by showing an already published trailer. Sorry guys :-/
Here is a link to the Ubisoft TMNT Smash-Up E3 Footage. Holy Shell that looks good.
Oh and this is the new trailer with gameplay footage.
Oh and the site for the game has been updated as well
So far it looks like all of the voice actors from the 2K3 animated series are lending their voices to the game characters. However I cant tell if thats Veronica Taylor as April.
–>> You did your best , Steph !!
–>> WOW way to go Mike !!
Joel McHale introducing the Turtles for the win!!
I want this game…but I don’t wanna buy a Wii…hmmm.
Ubi-soft’s rep….Fail.
–>> Darn good point, JES.