Just got an e-mail from Kevin Coll, Executive Editor over at Fusedfilm.com, which is one of the sites that got ahold of the alleged new turtle sculpt (Go Check them out!)
I wanted to let you know i just got an email from someone who claims thatthis image belongs to someone that did as a design for his for make-upschool. Here is a quote from the email we got.
“Has NOTHING to do with the next TMNT reboot. It is in fact a student’sclass-project, done at Tom Savini’s make-up school, in South-WesternPennsylvania. If you’d like to contact the actual artist who made thismask, you can contact him here: (edited, sorry, I don’t release e-mails without permission -Steph)
Please! Next time, do some basic fact-checking, before posting “Anonymous”photos claiming it to be something it’s not. It will save you a TON of liability, and embarassment.”
Thanks for sharing Kevin!
So there you have it folks. Looks like a false alarm. Sorry…or…you’re welcome….depending on who you are
Hah! I knew you would be able to solve this mystery soon enough!
I Knew it was impossible thanks for that awesome confirmation , go green machine rocks
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa knew it.
Thank God that ugly thing will never get seen again.
That is what I call a ‘grown up ninja turtle’, man! Great work. I see dark sewers, a pool of blood with one last turtle standing, the ‘way of the warrior’ and a ratking to get kids screaming …