So Peter Laird posted on his blog that he was not a fan of the new Star Trek film. Turtle fans the net over were shocked and dismayed. “Peter Laird may not like a pseudo-reboot of a series he enjoyed since childhood, what could this mean for the pseudo-reboot of the series I enjoyed since my childhood?” Collectively the TMNT fan base wet themselves.
To be honest I don’t see it. I guess there is something to be said of Laird’s distaste for Star Trek. That thing: Peter Laird didn’t like J.J. Abrams’ vision of Star Trek. That’s it. Though I guess the question of whether because Peter Laird didn’t like this changes made to make Star Trek more marketable to the masses, he may be afraid to make necessary changes to the Turtles to make them appeal to the general audiences may be a valid one.
But then again, he already has, for the most part. The original series is the prime example. The Turtles were changed to be marketed to kids, as opposed to the teens and young adults audience of the comic series. All in all, some fans would say, Turtles has changed quite a bit from it’s roots. There are fans who feel, like Laird himself, that the changes to the Turtles have left the franchise almost irredeemable unless it returns to it’s dark roots. Mildly ironic really. Laird as a Trek fan feels Star Trek has abandoned it’s original heart and soul, and Turtle fans see him and his changes to the franchise in a similar light.
So if Laird’s loathing of this newest Trek should make fans wonder anything, it should make us think, “How can he not see that there is a parallel here?”
I’ve been looking for a reason to use that picture for a long time Jester…I had to put it in.
S’alright. I made my own too…:D
It was either that, or whitney houston
Kirk IS awesome…
This whole comparison thing is just a lot of conjecture and just an excuse I think for a few people (not ALL) to (continue to) lash out at Peter in whatever manner they can. We know NOTHING about the current TMNT movie. Everyone’s got different tastes in movies. You can’t just assume one opinion about something to be the end-all of everything.
People are shooting stuff down before it even has a chance to get off the ground, and I think it’s going to really hurt things in the long run…
That’s exactly it. The movie is just in the “Hey, we’re gonna make a Turtle movie for 2011.” That’s still 2 years off. Heck, there probably isn’t even a script yet. Turtle fans seem easily frightened, I guess myself included…though i tend to bend slightly optimistic.
I still see a huge number of fans of the cartoons who keep wishing there was some sort of Darker, Grittier and Edgier ™ version of their favourite cartoon characters, completely oblivious to the comic book in which it’s all right there for them to enjoy. I think a lot of people ignorant to the comics ARE going to see this as a complete reboot in that Darker, Grittier and Edgier ™ fashion. To us comic fans, it’ll be what we’ve been wanting virtually since the start!
I guess us toon fans who want grittier Turtles, is partly due to age. That and they did it with Transformers (ok, maybe not the best example) and they are trying it with G.I. Joe. Turtles could work. The big question comes in how much of each universe do you keep? Toon fans want an edgier Turtle movie, but will they buy the all red masks? (Why does it always come back to that?)
This movie could be exactly what the fandom’s been dreaming about for YEARS, and yet we have fans who are already to jump down Peter’s throat about it, and we don’t even know anything about it yet!
It kills me that the fandom could be so volatile…
As for how much of which universe to use…. that’s just barely scratching the surface. They’ll probably stick to the Mirage universe, but sprinkle in a few references to other stuff here and there.
–>> .. think at this point , not just in TMNT history .. but the nature of um .. ‘ Pop- psyche ‘.
It is possible to grab that cutting edge , dark vision of the TMNTs as initially conceptualized.
.. as too the 2003 kids that got hooked are also coming of age as well.
It’s gona be ok.