I understand, I really do, some of you feel that tmnt25.com isn’t the proper representation for the turtles…some of you are even effected by it SO MUCH that you feel the need to express your anger outwardly and publically. I get it! I do! And it is your right to feel the way you do. That is what makes this internets thing so great! You can say whatever the heck you want! Lord knows I’ve said some colorful things about some colorful people in the past.
However; regardless of how you feel about the site, I wanted to take a minute to suggest that, even if the website makes you want to punch a grandma, You check out “Mikey’s Blog” from time to time. The blog has some really great content from some really worthy contributors. People like:
Gary Richardson
Jake Black
Jim Lawson
Michael Dooney
Tristan Jones
and lets not forget…yours truly!
Shameless self promotion aside, you really should check it out from time to time.
Click the pic to go directly to the blog…you don’t even have to look at the rest of the site if you don’t want to