TMNT Back to the Sewers Region 4 DVD Info.

TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles): Back to the Sewer – Volume 1: Something Wicked DVD has been release in Australia.
TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles): Back to the Sewer – Volume 2: City Under Siege DVD is up for pre-order and will be released September 2nd, 2009.
This very well could be the only way (for now) to get Season 7 since 4kids has stopped releasing the seasons on DVD. Most of you remember that 2K3 Season 5 was also released through EZYDVD long before it came out in the states. It is unknown at this time if Manga (the distributor) will release a complete set which would more than likely comprise of 2 disks.

Those interested in importing can click the links below.


TMNT BTTS Vol. 2 Pre-order

Can’t play it on your region 1 DVD player? Well you can get a region free player here World-Import for as cheep as $60.00.

**RAPH n’ Casey Vs. PIZZAFACE ** [[ The art of Workhorse Illustration ]]

" LEATHERHEAD" character design art by SCOTT WYGMANS [[ The art of Workhorse Illustration ]]

"Raph " character design art by SCOTT WYGMANS [[ The art of Workhorse Illustration ]]

"Raph " character design art by SCOTT WYGMANS, Colours by  Zac Gorman  [[ The art of Workhorse Illustration ]]

"CASEY" i character design art by SCOTT WYGMANS (( 2008 ))   [[ The art of Workhorse Illustration ]]

"CASEY" ii character design art by SCOTT WYGMANS (( 2009 )) [[ The art of Workhorse Illustration ]]

☠ ☠

** Workhorse illustration

“Remember awhile back when I had posted that Raphael and Casey Jones? Well – those had some backing. Like in my last post, me and my brother in arms ***Zac Gorman, of the infamous online web comic Montgrave, teamed up and tried to write a three page story for one of our most beloved childhood heroes the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. So – we essentially, drank a ton of mountain dew during phone calls, ate a ton of pizza – and cranked out a loose story and plot featuring Casey Jones and Raphael. Me and Zac did these as sort of a “practice run” on how we wanted to work with each other. Zac pretty much wrote the script, with ideas and characters sprinkled in by yours truly – then the mighty Zac-maestro did the rough layouts for the pages and I took it from there and changed some of the camera shots, added my touch on backgrounds and characters – and handled the pencils and inks.

Sort of using this as a stepping stone, we are now currently working on a title we are calling “The Odyssey of Til” – which we are working together basically in the same vein. So in the meantime, check these pages and let me know if you even remember the bad guy we pulled out in the second page (and yes, he IS a real TMNT baddie).

cowabunga! ” — SCOTT WYGMANS

TMNT_pg1 { RAPH n' Casey v. Pizza Face pizza power } art by SCOTT WYGMANS , script by Zac Gorman  (( 2009 )) [[ The art of Workhorse Illustration ]]

TMNT_page2 { RAPH n' Casey v. Pizza Face pizza power } art by SCOTT WYGMANS , script by Zac Gorman  (( 2009 )) [[ The art of Workhorse Illustration ]]

TMNT_page3 { RAPH n' Casey v. Pizza Face pizza power } art by SCOTT WYGMANS , script by Zac Gorman  (( 2009 )) [[ The art of Workhorse Illustration ]]

New TMNT Smash-Up Features Trailer

TMNT Smash-Up Logo 1-1 has uploaded the newest game play features trailer for TMNT Smash-Up. 80s Turtles fans will be happy to know that the Technodrome is back, and is causing more trouble for our Heroes in a Half Shell. The Turtles will journey back to the earths core to battle it out before a rampaging Technodrome.
The Technodrome
TMNT Smash-Up Game Features Trailer Click the link to check out all the Shelltastic Goodness!

TMNT 80’s Complete Season 7 Box Art First Look.

TMNT_CompleteS7 just posted the complete season 7 box art released from Lionsgate. As you all remember Lionsgate released season 7 in four parts each with a mini turtle figure May 19th. A number of fans decided to wait and see if Lionsgate would release season 7 in a complete set, well the wait is almost over. On November 3rd 2009 the complete season 7 set will be release for a suggested retail price of $29.98 about half the cost of buying all 4 single DVD’s at once. It is unknown if they will release seasons 8-10 all together in one box set. Keep your green fingers crossed.

On a side note if you have a Kroger Grocery Store in your area be sure to check their DVD sections as I located the complete Season 5 for $5.99

tOkKa’s KriB :: The Misfit Mouser — created 03.2000 (revised 08.10.2009) !! !!

' M0S-33 '

–>> K’   gonna do something a little different here.
Then subsequently , later after a good Tokka- nap i’ll cross post this on the trillion other blogs i have to update.

But we’ll make this weird, but extra special experimental post starting here on GGM.

I started my **own site,terrible2z in 1999, the original premise was that  i ran  this big monster of a website and that i really didn’t know what the hell what i was doing. The truth was i kinda knew what i was doing, but i didn’t really know that i was creating the very beginnings of my very own monster that has become a blessed curse ever since.

The whole endeavor was an important but shoddy first step on my career into the arts and design. But for years the whole online “THING” looked  like Homer Simpson himself  was my web designer.

Some might say he still is.

However some of the original stories from way back then remain and some have become a little bit of tiny cult-classics, Tokka online one-shots.

Like  the t2z – KriB classic” The Misfit Mouser”

This was as an old comic story-thing  i did way back in 2000. The art is horrid but it is how used to draw allot of my cartoons nine years ago so.  :/

( Again some would say my style is just as horrid today !! !!

O what a world !! )

The original  has been cleaned up, revamped and revised the way i;ve always really wanted it to look.

However this new version is much more legible, and understandable.

It’s a quicker read too !! !!

It also marks the origins of the infamous Snapper’s little pet Mouser, M0S-33 , or MOUSEE.

One of my most moronic creations ever !!



..and stay tuned for the very end for a very BIG & special surprise !! !!

And please forgive me , Stephan.. i hope the inclusion of this Monstrous posting doesn’t ruin this site’s friendly reputation and scare away the Turtle-Fandom clientele.



Tokka, Mouser , Baxter Stockman © 2000,2009 Mirage Studios inc. M0S-33 created by tOkKa ,