March of Dimes Sketch Cards

This just in from

The mighty Steven L. Frank has been doing charitable work for ages now, and the Mirage crew has done some sketch cards to help him raise money for the March of Dimes. For more info, check out Newsarama’s interview with Steve and if you’d like to get involved and support the charity auctions, check out Steve’s blog. Below is a sample of the sketch cards as drawn by Jim Lawson, Michael Dooney, Dan Berger and Eric Talbot:


Peter Laird Answers Your Questions, Once Again

Ask PL inverted

For those of you that follow Peter’s blog, you can pretty much stop reading now. 😛

For those of you that don’t, Peter has, once again, put up an “Ask Peter” Post where he answers the questions of the fans directly. These posts are ALWAYS good reads, as I have never seen him decline to answer a question, no matter how big a pitfall it might be. We strongly suggest clicking the pic to read the comments.

I (Stephan) had only one question for him this time around. The question I’ve always wanted to ask him:

Hopefully this doesn’t come across as a negative question, because that isn’t how I mean it…

The one thing I’ve always wanted to ask is…Do you ever feel resentment toward the turtles for limiting your career?

Much like many people feel that George Lucas resents Star Wars for making him “George Lucas: The guy that made Star Wars” rather than “George Lucas: The world famous director”

Do you feel that the Turtles have pigeon-holed you as “Peter Laird: The guy that made the Ninja Turtles” and prevented you from becoming known for your fantastic artistic ability rather than being known for a single property?

Again, this wasn’t meant to come across in a negative light. It is just the one question, above all others, that I have always wanted to ask you.


As anyone who has closely followed the TMNT might know, one of my favorite lines from the late, great Jack Kirby was from the last issue of his “Mister Miracle” comic book series… the one where the evil Darkseid tried to ruin the wedding of Scott Free and Big Barda. The lord of Apokolips summed up his philosophy in this line: “Life at best is bittersweet.”

That kind of describes my relationship with the TMNT at this point in my life. On the one hand, co-creating these crazy characters has brought me success and opportunities I’d never really considered I might have.

On the other hand, I can say without any doubt in my mind that because of the Turtles, I am less of an artist than I thought I would be at this point in my life. I have not evolved in my skill set in the way I thought and hoped I would.

It’s a trade-off. You must take the good with the bad. As I have said elsewhere, in my opinion the good has generally outweighed the bad. — PL

It isn’t too late to ask a question yourself. Click the pic to head on over.

TMNT Entity's Review of Tales #59

The folks at TMNT Entity have put up an early review of Tales #59. Click the pic!

"What Nat Saw" Oil On Canvas.


My friend Laura showed this to me. I thought it was kinda cute. The artist broke the image up to prevent photo piracy, so please click the pic to see the whole thing. Oil on cavas of Natalie Portman being quite frightened of the turtles. I honestly don’t get the joke…but I’m sure its a movie reference that someone else can fill us in on. The painting is by a gentleman named Brandon Bird.

ActionFigureCollectors.Com Giving Away 25th Anniversary Turtles

So this is pretty exciting. is celebrating their 10 year anniversary. Right now they are having a prize package giveaway. One of the packages you can win is a full set of 25th anniversary rereleases….


Hark! Doth mine eyes decieve me? These figures are also shown as being part of the prize package.


What a funny way to confirm that these figures are being released 😛

Anyway, slink on over to their site and enter! Click the pic to go directly to the contest.