Get Shedder?

As is my DVD watching custom I always watch my movies with either subtitles or closed captions on (so I can keep volume low and not be a bother to others in the house.) Yesterday I was watching TMNT season 8 on DVD and when I got to Cyber Turtles my fiance pointed something out to me. In the closed captions for that episode Shredder’s name is misspelled as “Shedder.” (it’s also misspelled in Turtle Trek. As far as I can tell it was spelled right in Get Shredder and Wrath of the Rat King though. Heck, it was right sometimes when the captions were telling the audience Shredder was talking, and the theme song always got it right.) Take a gander:

105_0135.jpg picture by Jesterangelo105_0136.jpg picture by Jesterangelo

Sorry for the quality of the pics, but I couldn’t find the disk for my TV capture card which would have allowed for clearer shots.

So, beware the mighty Shedder and the contents of his evil sheds!

Author: Hero_777

UK-Based, longterm TMNT enthusiast, proud parent and professional Santa Claus.

3 thoughts on “Get Shedder?”

  1. –>> whatcha gotta understand, Jess .. is that after James Avery left TMNT , voice acting for Saki was taken over by the Shaggy D.A.

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