Lord Dregg to me was a character I didn’t get to know until long after the original 1987 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animated series concluded.
Growing up in the UK during the 90s, our terrestrial BBC 1 helping of the original cartoon was the extent of an edited down rendition of the first 3 seasons. Any household wanting to watch beyond this had to have Satelite or Cable TV to have the SKY 1 network that broadcasted the later adventures including the ‘red sky era’.
When I finally had more internet access, I was like a kid in a candy store getting up to speed with the original Fred Wolf TMNT production. Rewatching the uncensored episodes was like a ‘directors cut’ with unseen clips that made more sense of what I was watching. The episodes after introduced a big new player in the game of the Turtles defending Earth.
Lord Dregg (voiced by the late Tony Jay) and his alien armada made thier debut and the overall tone of the long running show had a makeover.
I was really pleased years later that Lord Dregg or rather a newer version of the character was joining the 4th season of Nickelodeon’s 2012 TMNT series. Not just that, he was getting an action figure from Playmates!
Dregg stands as one of my all-time favorite Turtles villians and I’m sure the TMNT fanbase has not seen the last of future incarnations of this galactic overlord.