Top 20 Comic Weapons

Making the rounds today I stumbled upon this post. It looks pretty old but I still found it pretty neat. Click the pic to go right to the blog or if you’re too lazy, read the results below:
This is a list of what we consider to be the top 20 comic book weapons… not necessarily the most powerful. We consider the best to be the most creative and interesting weapons. When compiling the top 20 comic book weapons of all time, one must consider the weapon and not the wielder. We chose weapons that define the characters they belong to. Without their weapons, the characters on this list would lose their identities. Remember the mid 90s when Wolverine lost his claws..? I rest my case.
Please note that we have purposely left out any “weapons of limitless power.” Weapons like the Infinity Gauntlet, Cosmic Cube, and Black Diamonds are certainly powerful, but lack any creativity what-so-ever.

20 – Casey Jones’ Golf Bag of goodies – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Casey Jones’ arsenal consists of just about any sports implement big enough to hit someone with and be carried around in a golf bag. A disgruntled former hockey player, Jones takes to the streets swinging hockey sticks, golf clubs, baseball bats and more, to take out his frustration on the criminal element. While there’s nothing technically special about the weapons at his disposal, it’s definitely a fanboy pleaser, not to mention super-cool, to see this guy with no special skills defeating evil with tools you could most likely find in your own garage or attic. Casey Jones, you’re an inspiration to us all.

19 – Captain Cold’s Freeze Gun – Flash
Theorizing that that the energy emissions of a cyclotron could interfere with the Flash’s speed, Leonard Snart created a freeze gun more or less by accident. He decided to go with it and give himself the title of Captain Cold. Cold’s schtick has been ripped off over and over again. Ever seen someone frozen in a block of ice? Cold has been doing it for 50 years. The visual of Captain Cold blasting ice all over the streets of Keystone City while the Flash intervenes is one of the most fun in comics. All thanks to the Freeze Gun.

18 – Scarecrow’s Fear Toxin – Batman Books
Dr. Jonathan Crane is an insane clinical psychologist. Using a variety of psychological tactics, he utilizes the fears and phobias of his adversaries. His bread and butter is his fear toxin, a concoction of his own design that leaves anyone, including the fearless Batman, weeping in terror and wetting their pants. The toxin brings out your worst fears and the Scarecrow capitalizes on them… Truly a character defining weapon.

17 – The Witchblade – Witchblade
The witchblade appears at first glance to simply be an ornate gauntlet, but on the hand of a proper host this symbiotic, intelligent weapon becomes much more. The witchblade is capable of turning into armor to protect its host from harm, swords and other stabbing weapons, shields, and even wings enabling its user to fly. It has on occasion even fired energy blasts, projectiles, and whips or grapples for climbing. A great all-purpose weapon that is only limited by the fact that it can become temperamental and difficult to control if not used frequently or in it’s mind, correctly. Also the witchblade only chooses one host per generation and those hosts are invariably female. If you are a man OR a woman not chosen by the witchblade, don’t try it on unless you like the nickname “Lefty.”

16 – Green Goblin’s Pumpkin Bombs – Spider-Man Books
Spider-Man’s arch nemesis employs the use of his jet propelled glider, and a big bag of pumpkin bombs. The great thing about comics is the kooky costumes and colorful characters and the Green Goblin is a perfect example of this. A flying goblin chucking pumpkin bombs is not only entertaining, but it serves as a perfect challenge for Spider-Man. A high speed chase, zipping around, Spider-Man has to protect civilians as well as himself from a barrage of explosions. These bombs not only compliment their wielder, but his enemy as well.

15 – Dung’s Dual Poop Cannons – Savage Dragon
One of the many throwaway villains that graced the pages of Savage Dragon, Dung is about as static as a character can be. He is a walking poop joke, armed (literally) with two sewage cannons. Where all that *spoon* comes from remains a mystery, but the fact remains that Dung has one of the greatest weapons in comic history.

14 – Black Knight’s Ebony Sword – Avengers
I always liked the juxtaposition of a knight running around in modern times fighting supervillains. The Black Knight wields the Ebony Blade, a magical sword forged by Merlin from a meteorite. It is indestructible, can cut through almost anything, impervious to magic, returns to the Black Knight’s hand if dropped or thrown, and can be used to teleport. Pretty handy weapon.

13 – Kevin Matchstick’s Bat – Mage
Kevin Matchstick is Arthur Pendragon (King Arthur to the less than literate) reborn, so naturally he needs a modern day Excalibur to wield against his foes. Excalibur in the modern age takes the form of a glowing white baseball bat which can be controlled from a distance and mentally summoned back to the hand. The Excali-bat can damage even the toughest of foes, and is apparently indestructable. I wonder what Matchstick’s batting average is with this thing?

12 – Johnny Blaze’s Hellfire Shotgun – Ghost Rider, Spirits of Vengeance
During a period where Blaze was not the Ghost Rider, his means of dishing out the whoop-*spoon* was his hellfire spewing shotgun. This weapon was created when Ghost Rider’s Hellfire was conducted through the shotgun into John himself. To clarify, hellfire is just like fire, except it can burn your soul. Shotguns are always cool. Shotguns that shoot soul burning fire? Brilliant.

11 – The Right Hand of Doom – Hellboy
When you make a living fighting the big scary monsters of the world, a giant stone hand can come in pretty handy (No pun intended). This particular giant stone hand (there are so many) is allegedly a catalyst to the bringing about of the end of the world. As of yet we haven’t seen in the comics how this would work, but until then, we can live comfortably knowing that somewhere out there, a 30 foot tall ape with the brain of a long dead dictator is probably taking one in the kisser from this bad boy as we speak. Rock on, Right Hand of Doom…rock on.

10 – Captain America’s Shield – Avengers, Captain America
Captain America’s shield is iconic, and virtually indestructible. It is an alloy of vibranium, an alien metal found only in Wakanda that had unique vibration absorption properties, and steel. The vibration absorbing ability of the vibranium allows Cap to withstand incredible amounts of force as well as lose next to no velocity when bouncing from one villain’s head to another.

9 – The Joker’s Acid Squirting Flower – Batman books
The Joker is not someone who is normally known for using lowly one on one weapons, typically relying more on weapons of mass destruction. Like all madmen however, he occasionally needs to deal some small scale, individual damage. While he’s used guns and and even a crowbar on occasion, his most memorable weapon would be a common clown accessory, the squirting lapel flower. Unlike the version found on most clowns however, the Clown Prince of Crime has a lapel flower that squirts acid, handily melting the face off of anyone unlucky enough to stop and smell the flowers.

8 – The Wrecker’s Crowbar – Avengers
The Wrecker carries a 4-foot long steel crowbar that was enchanted by Karnilla, the Norn Queen of Asgard, making it virtually indestructible. It is able to store and release the Wrecker’s enchantment, enabling him to share it among the rest of the Wrecking Crew. The guy is a New York brute that goes toe to toe with Thor himself… All thanks to his giant enchanted crowbar. Only in comic books can something so outlandish be so fantastic.

7 – Doc Ock’s tentacles – Spider-Man books
Ock’s titanium tentacles were originally part of a harness that was worn to allow him to manipulate dangerous radioactive materials. When a lab accident fused the harness to his body and gave him mental control over the tentacles, a classic comic weapon was born. The tentacles are individually capable of lifting anywhere from 3 to 8 tons (3 seems to be the minimum, while 8 is quoted in some sources) as long as one tentacle is used to brace himself. Each tentacle can also move at 90 mph and extends roughly 24 feet. Four 24 foot long titanium tentacles moving at 90 mile per hour? Thank goodness for Spidey Sense.

6 – Iron Man’s Armor – Iron Man, Avengers and Ultimates
While originally created as a means to keep Tony Stark alive due to a piece of shrapnel near his heart, the suit has become much, much more. Giving its wearer super strength, the power of flight as well as hand fired repulsor rays and more, depending on the writers whims, the suit has evolved into a complete wearable weapons system. A recent issue of Ultimates showed Stark in a suit that filled the sky over Washington DC, as it rained down a flood of destruction that would be the envy of most national superpowers.

5 – Wolverine’s claws – Wolverine and X-men
While we originally thought that these razor sharp Adamantium claws were added on to Wolvie during his Weapon X days, relatively recent comics have revealed that he always had claws, they just used to be made of bone. Whether made from bone or Adamantium (the hardest metal in the Marvel U, unbreakable and indestructable) these claws have most likely killed more people than the Black Plague, and don’t appear to be stopping anytime soon.

4 – Saint of Killers’ revolvers – Preacher
These Colt Walker style revolvers were actually fashioned from the Angel of Death’s sword, after he retired and handed his job off to the Saint. These old-school beauties never miss and are ALWAYS fatal. They are also capable of shooting through anything up to and including tank armor, and they never run out of ammunition. Did I mention that the Saint of Killers actually used these to kill the Devil himself, as well as a few thousand angels? I guess I just did.

3 – The Bowel Disruptor – Transmetropolitan
Spider Jerusalem’s weapon of choice, even beating out a good old-fashioned boot to the groin. The Bowel Disruptor does pretty much exactly what it sounds like it would with settings that include:
Shat Into Unconsciousness
Unspeakable Gut Horror
Rectal Volcano
And last but certainly not least, Burning Anal Geyser.

While I don’t think the BD is powerful enough to kill, what it actually does might be worse. Much Worse.

2 – Green Lantern’s Ring – Green Lantern, JLA
Each Green Lantern possesses a power ring that gives the user great control over the physical world as long as the wielder has sufficient willpower. The user can create damn near anything from the green energy packed in that tiny ring. Created by the Guardians of the Universe, the rings were then granted to worthy candidates. These individuals make up the intergalactic police force known as the Green Lantern Corps. This weapon is extremely powerful, but what makes it #2 on our list is the crazy methods the Lanterns use. Who doesn’t want to see a giant green fist smashing a spaceship to bits?

1 – Mjolnir – Thor, Avengers
This is a no-brainer. Mjolnir can only be lifted by one who is worthy, returns to the spot from which it is thrown, can summon the elements of storm (rain, wind, lightning), can open interdemensional portals and has been used to travel through time. It can absorb energy and release it in a chosen direction, repel magic, create vortexes, and detect illusions. Thor hurls Mjolnir and holds on to achieve flight. Almost nothing is capable of withstanding a hammer blow or throw. Inarguably the greatest weapon in comic history. Long story short… Mjolnir translates into English as “That Which Smashes.”

Want To Get In On Some Mirage Viral Marketing?

Hey gang,
Mirage has recently put up some ad banners on for people to post all around the internets. However! The Mirage sites do not allow for hot linking (linking to a picture on a Mirage server), so many people are not able to participate. Fear not! Go Green Machine is now hosting the banners on some webspace that we have. So feel free to hotlink the hell out of our photobucket account 😛 Click the Pic to get sent directly to the banners.

Community Interview: Shredder and Krang of the Technodrome

The Technodrome. Undoubtedly the most active Ninja Turtles related website and community forums on the internets. I, like many of you, got my start in the TMNT online community there. Where would we be without it? Homeless, in the gutter, clinging to life by a thread? No…probably not…But we love it anyway!

Though we think about and make reference to “the drome” regularly, we very seldom stop to think that it took someone to create said masterpiece. Two someones actually. We recently sat down with Shredder and Krang, admins and creators of the Technodrome, for a little back and fourth. Here is what they had to say!

Thank You for this opportunity guys. First of all, tell us about yourselves. I don’t think too many people out there know much about you personally.

Well, we prefer staying in the background and letting the site be about TMNT and general discussion rather than us personally, but I guess we can share a few details. I think a lot of people know that Krang’s my younger brother in real life and we grew up big fans of the TMNT cartoon.

For me, you can tell what some of my hobbies/interests are based on my posts on the forums (video games, wrestling, computers, anime, etc.). I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this or not, but Shredder and I have also been taking karate for over 5 years. Other than that, I work as a software developer where I deal with the same sort of technology that we use on the site (PHP, MySQL, HTML, JavaScript, etc.), so there’s a lot of crossover between the two. I have a Bachelor’s degree in computer science and just recently finished my Master’s degree in web programming.

Krang’s definitely our resident computer guru. We do have a lot of similar interests- aside from karate, I’m also a big video game, wrestling, and anime fan. I also love animals, reading, and writing. As far as work, I’m currently employed at a college. My BA’s in English, though, and I’m considering going back to school at some point and am looking into graduate school options myself.

Why did you start the Technodrome?

To be honest, I don’t really remember. I think we were just bored one day and came up with something fun to goof around with. Once we saw that people actually started visiting it, we started putting more effort into it and taking it more seriously.

Yeah, I think Krang pretty much covered it. The site was pretty much just for fun at first, since we both loved the TMNT cartoon. We also thought it would be cool to give a little more attention to the bad guys of the show, since just about all of the other TMNT sites were about the Turtles.

What made you decide to go with the Shredder and Krang online personas? For that matter, what was it about the Technodrome (from the television show) that made you decide to theme your website around it?

Shredder is my favorite character from the cartoon and we always liked the bad guys better as kids. I guess we thought they were funnier and more interesting than the Turtles. My favorite Turtle was always Michaelangelo, though.

When I first started watching the cartoon as a kid in 1989, Leonardo was my favorite character, but a short time later I decided that I liked Krang more. He has been my favorite since. The site was originally called Krang and Shredder’s Page, but when we moved to our own domain in 2000, we thought The Technodrome would be a better name.

Yeah, we figured “The Technodrome” sounded better for a site name because it was a specific place.

What are some of your favorite and least favorite things about working on the Technodrome?

Least favorite: Dealing with problems between members on the forums.

Favorite: Being able to write or setup software for the site and forums and seeing people use it.

Least favorite: There doesn’t seem to be a lot of interest in the content of the site itself (apart from the forums). I’d like to come up with more ideas for new features and things, but it seems that fansite-type material just isn’t really popular anymore. There are a few things I’m working on that I do want to put up anyway, though.

Favorite: I like reading the forums and working on projects here and there for the site. I’ve been working on a very big “Choose Your Own Adventure” fanfic and enjoy writing things like TMNT Madlibs. Whether there’s a lot of interest or not in the site itself, it still gives me an outlet for stuff like this and I enjoy it.

Is there a particular thread or topic that sticks out in your brains as being the most memorable?

I’ve seen some funny threads here and there that stick out, but I can’t think of any right now. There’s also the Nintendo thread, which is one of the longest threads still active.

I enjoy the Original Toon Screencaps and gif threads. My favorite threads for discussion are the pro wrestling and video game threads, though.

Yeah, I like those sections, too.

How do you feel about the site lasting as long as it has? And more generally, how do you feel about the TMNT lasting as long as it has?

It doesn’t seem like it’s been almost 10 years, so I’m not sure what to say about that. I’m glad we still have people visiting the site, though. For the TMNT, it’s not really that surprising because of how popular the cartoon was.

Yeah, exactly. It’s cool that people are still interested in the TMNT and we’re glad there’s still discussion on our forums!

What are your future plans for the site?

Improving the quality of the sections on the site, particularly the multimedia. A lot of it hasn’t been updated since the early 2000s.

Personally, I’ve been trying to participate more on the forums, rather than just reading them. I try to start new threads here and there to stir up interest. I’d also like to regenerate interest in the main site and maybe bring back things like contests.

Some would say that the general attitude among the TMNT fan populace of the Technodrome has taken a recent turn toward consistent negativity in regard to certain aspects of the brand…specifically the future of the turtles. Do you agree? And if so, what are your feelings toward this negativity.

I don’t think that attitude is anything specific to our forums. Anywhere on the internet, you’ll have people who are positive and negative, so I don’t think it’s fair to focus only on the negative here when there are plenty of positive posts, too.

Exactly. I wasn’t really aware this was even an issue, to be honest.

Do you still consider yourselves fans?

Yes, but only of original cartoon. I’ve seen all of the live action movies and saw the recent CG film in the theater, but I haven’t really gotten into any other aspects of TMNT much, including the newer cartoon. I do really enjoy finally having the original series on DVD and am looking forward to the next release.

Same here. I also liked the anime OVA. Actually, I’m not really a fan of the Turtles themselves outside of the OT, which is why the comics and everything closely based on them have never interested me.

I loved that OVA. I think most people would assume that we love everything Ninja Turtles having a site like this, but it’s really only about the original show for us.

Anything else you’d like to say in closing?

Krang and Shredder:
Thanks for the interview!

Thank YOU for allowing us an opportunity to pick your brains (no pun intended Krang)!
Anything else you’d like to know about this dynamic duo? ASK THEM YOURSELF @ The Technodrome! THE online resource for everything TMNT!

Happy Easter from Go Green Machine!

For those of you who celebrate the holiday, Happy Easter! For those of you that don’t, Happy Sunday! From all of us at GoGreenMachine, enjoy your day!

Coming Out of Their Shells Tour Costume Found!


Technodrome user jwiz154 has recently posted photos of a Leonardo costume he has from the Coming Out Of Their Shells Tour. I know half of you are groaning right now at the thought of the tour…but the other half thinks this is really cool…so…sorry, crappy half! Anyway, click the pic if you’d like to go to the post directly and see more cool pictures. I think this is a pretty historic find. I know Isaac is probably having kittens over this 😛